Friday, November 5, 2010

Philadelphia 2012 Voter Indictments Michael Nutter Kevin Dougherty Illegal Adoptions Nepotism Corruption Fraud Mob Retaliation

Philadelphia 2012 Voter Indictments Michael Nutter Kevin Dougherty Illegal Adoptions Retaliatory Mob Violence


Saturday 11/6/10 Center City Philadelphia 10:00 a.m. : Those community conscience working class student and impoverished Americans/Pennsylvanians who have gathered bulk or individual evidence in our various professional or personal capacities may stand with us and record for history and the hope of future generations the David and Goliath turn of the tide strategy which utilizes 2010 Election results to Galvanize 2012 Voter Clout of the Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights victimized working class student and impoverished American Family.


Saturday 11/6/10 Center City Philadelphia 10:00 a.m. :  Philadelphians who have suffered felony crimes inflicted by State Agency DHS Commissioner Anne Marie Ambrose with Philadelphia Family Court Administrative Judge Kevin M. Dougherty’s flagrant conflict of interest relationships with financial institutions, opulent Union League, multimillion dollar billing foster adoption contractors, Cora Services, Inc., Children’s Choice; with Mayor Michael Nutter’s and District Attorney’s R Seth Williams’ nepotism corruption abuse of working class police sheriff deputies abused to ignore or compound incredible acts of retaliation which include home invasion beatings in the face with metal pipes, public mob aggravated assault beatings child abductions, abuse of City of Philadelphia corrections staff to inflict medical error and inevitable wrongful death upon grandmothers or parents who attempt rescue of their children from abuser beneficiaries of several Federal State and Municipal fraud schemes exposed by compiling and sorting existing and Pa DPW maintained databases (Property Assessment Records; Philadelphia Employee Directory; Disbarred Suspended Attorneys List, Child Abuse Registry, PACSES, Pa Superior Court Docket Sheets, U.S.D.C. PaED Docket Monitoring, etc)….Will on Saturday November 6, 2010 at 10:00 A.M. meet in Center City, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and mark for History and Historians the video Press Release aggressively distributed WE THE PEOPLE INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTABILITY STATEMENT:  A NEW CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT…FAMILIES FIGHT BACK….SAY NO MORE…DHS DEMONIC HORROR STORIES. 


Saturday 11/6/10 Center City Philadelphia 10:00 a.m.: This is not a protest or demonstration, we are going to assemble, video our November 6, 2010 WE THE PEOPLE INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTABILITY STATEMENT:  A NEW CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT…FAMILIES FIGHT BACK….SAY NO MORE…DHS DEMONIC HORROR STORIES, stand and be videoed as a group and individually (up to 9 minutes each), act lawfully, respectfully and leave peaceably. Strongly suggested you have live conversation with Roxanne on Friday day before for location details.  In Center City, Philadelphia, Pa 10:00 A.M. assemble and move 10:15 A.M.  (229) 395-0039. 


If your family or your business has been destroyed by DHS with Family Court with municipality elected officials corruption you are part of a tragically far too large voter constituency that when organized/galvanized will have endorsement lobby impeachment voter powers.  We will be able to vote ethical judiciary in and when revealed as unethical corrupt non-responsive or incompetent vote out elected officials regardless of how wealthy old money hierarchies are.  Saturday, 11/6/10 Center City Philadelphia, Pa, DHS Family Court victims’ statements will be filmed up to 9 minutes each and should clearly state first last names and courtroom numbers/letters of Domestic Relations judges who denied protection from abuse and DHS social workers or case workers first and last names who lied in writing on the phone or in person. Please include the date of your first encounter with Family Court CPS/DHS. 


Roxanne Grinage will read certified service distribution list which will include Pennsylvania Governor Elect Tom Corbett, all federal agencies which released new tools best practices to judges re President Barack Obama/Joe Biden 10/27/10 Domestic Relations Foster Care Events Children Safe at Home especially DOJ.  Civil Rights Complaint Forms will be completed for each testifying Corruption victim and submitted to Federal Agency HHS courtesy of HireLyrics Administrative Services. 


Saturday 11/6/10 Center City Philadelphia 10:00 a.m.  : All due diligence data gathered by public post incident in administrative solutions tool U.S. Citizens controlled Public Docket Database including Saturday November 6, 2010 WE THE PEOPLE INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTABILITY STATEMENT:  A NEW CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT…FAMILIES FIGHT BACK….SAY NO MORE…DHS DEMONIC HORROR STORIES; HireLyrics is Born To Serve on Blog Talk Radio internet talk radio broadcasts and all Video Statements will be jettisoned with active links to distribution lists which include USDOJ Mr. Eric Holder, Internal Revenue Service Office of Professional Responsibility, the four lawmaker/prosecutors who proposed 7/26/10 Bipartisan Pennsylvania Public Integrity Commission; Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rules and Evidence Committee members, Pennsylvania Court of Judicial Discipline, and more Whistleblower Referrals to be announced.  


Saturday 11/6/10 Center City Philadelphia 10:00 a.m. :  WE THE PEOPLE STATEMENT WILL ASK FOR AND SUBMIT DUE DILIGENCE EVIDENCE PROVING URGENT NEED FOR INVESTIGATIONS, AUDITS, INTERVENTION, INDICTMENTS, CONVICTIONS, FINES PENALTIES ATTACHMENTS OF ASSETS; GALVANIZE 2012 VOTER CAMPAIGNS TO ENSURE NO SECOND TERMS , IMPEACHMENT DISBAR AND REMOVAL OF:  Philadelphia Family Court Judges, Kevin M. Dougherty, Margaret T. Murphy, Robert J. Matthews, Alice Beck Dubow, Adoption Court Roberta Trombetta, Esquire and wealthy lawyers, Fern Brown Caplan and Timothy E. Possenti; Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter; Philadelphia District Attorney R. Seth Williams for having forfeited immunity in 1983 Civil Rights Act in favor of inflicting felony crimes upon working class student and impoverished American Pennsylvania Philadelphia families: forced commercial transactions, theft of vested interest, denials of protection from abuse, kidnap for profit of state agency DHS billing contractors; willful prolonged child abuse trauma and parent alienation injuries, obstruction of education, theft of heritage religious freedoms and knowledge of self; wrongful death and repeated criminal conducts in violation of Pennsylvania Constitution Inherent Rights of Mankind and Federal and State funding sources; willfully and deliberately perpetuating a U.S. Citizens controlled Public Docket Database responsibly recorded respectfully reported Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform State of Emergency in Pennsylvania Eastern District.


Free Download 102810 HireLyrics Standard Access Intake Form Leverage Individual Accountability; submit court reform case study docket monitoring data; Fraud Report Whistleblower Transmittals DOJ GAO Intervention and Audit Requests; move towards strong Cert Petition Exhibit A Nationwide Supreme Court Class Action; Galvanize Lobby Voter Clout of Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights Victimized American Voters State Court with State Agency DHS lawyer corruption malpractice (Roxanne Grinage).pdf

092410 Open Letter President and First Lady Obama Plead Presidential Eric Holder Gubernatorial Bipartisan Pennsylvania PIC Court Reform Emergency Intervention.pdf

101810 Lobby PIC HireLyrics Galvanize The Vote Campaign Judge Kevin M Dougherty Conflict of Interest with DHS Contractor Cora Services Inc Evidence Links.pdf

101010 Distributed Obama Move America Forward Rally HireLyrics Galvanize Voter Clout Official Corruption Victims Arrest Fugitives Erick Brown Saundra Sullivan.pdf


101610 HireLyrics Galvanize Vote Campaign Federal Philadelphia Public Mob Assault Child Abuse Abductor Fugitives Erick Brown Saundra Sullivan live in plain sight of community due to Official Corruption Emergency.pdf


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