Friday, November 19, 2010

Evidence of Family Court DHS Malpractice Caused Domestic Violence Sent To President Obama Valerie Jarrett and Oprah Show Producers

Federal Crime Victim Voters Send Evidence of Family Court DHS Malpractice Caused Domestic Violence to President Barack Obama Domestic Violence Awareness Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett and Oprah Show Producers 1. Disclaimer: Blog Talk Radio Does Not Agree with Support or have prior knowledge of show content.  Roxanne Grinage thanks Blog Talk Radio for graciously extending this special HireLyrics is Born To Serve broadcast to 3 hours  per show host Roxanne Grinage request; 2. Indroduction:  11/21/10 HireLyrics Is Born To Serve On Blog Talk Radio show url sent to President Barack Obama Domestic Violence Awareness Event Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett and Oprah Show Producers with Docket Analysis Standard Presenting Family Court with DHS created Federal Crime Victim testimony AZ CA KY MI NY OK PA TN WA. Evidence depositions expert witness testimony can be responsibly recorded respectfully reported to ethical authorized lawmakers decision makers funding sources community conscience impacting media icons who are empowered to intervene audit investigate indict and order kidnapped for profit children of all ages returned to families who want them; communicate large victim pool Federal Crime Victim Voters Working Class Student Impoverished American Families lobby perspective to influential media President Executives who can slow a nationwide Child Slaughter US Economy Fraud Court Reform Emergency.  3. Lorraine Grinage Mob Assault Abducted Ezekiel Arriyel Brown caused by Fern Brown Caplan Timothy Possenti Judge Robert  Matthews Anne Marie Ambrose 47 Felonies.  4. Bryan Jones says Plaintiffs Class Action Law Firm advises client submit to DHS control after Federal Judge Jan Dubois Ordered DHS illegally took kids. 5. Janice Brown illegal adoption victim Philadelphia DHS Anne Ambrose Judge Kevin M Dougherty tell 3rd Street Angels Crash Victims Grandmother THEY ARE MY KIDS NOW. 6. Adrienne Tines Victim Mother Pedophile Protector Corrupt Judge Retaliation 6 children raped 3 killed Doctor Predator MI FBI State Trooper Confirmed  7. AZ CA Maldanado NY Lashon Harper  ACS lies to Police resulted in brutal beating of mother in front of traumatized kidnapped for profit children; 2 of 144 Citizens Petitioned Removed PA Judge Robert J Matthews Victims Tracy Slaughter Helene Ross MI Michael Nina Cantaris 4 children stolen by white van routinely scoops up kids during summer no notice; Doris Sterns Oklahoma City kidnapped for profit children with abusive foster contractors terrorized with pitt bull dogs; 8. Mary August Washington Family Rights Shares State Advocacy Groups Mental Health Science Fraud Spiritual Health Solutions 8. HireLyrics Standard Access Class Action Litigation Intake Assessment demonstrated 11/18/10 Debbie Williams DHS Contractor Orchard Services Lying in Official Court Documents to injury and disabilities to infant grandson  9. Special Guest James Roger Brown has developed methods and procedures for detecting and documenting organized crime and organized science fraud in the child protection, mental health, and social work systems. Make Democracy Work Project

Contact Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Services U.S. Citizens Public Docket Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136, Tel (229-395-0039) all calls are recorded, contact forms at,

6.57min 112110 INTRO HireLyrics on BTR sent President Barack Obama Domestic Violence Awareness Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett Oprah Show Producers Federal Crime Victim Voters.wma

23min Lorraine Grinage Mob Assault Abducted Ezekiel Arriyel Brown caused by Fern Brown Caplan Timothy Possenti Judge Robert J Matthews Anne Marie Ambrose 47 Felony Malpractice.wma


Roxanne Grinage Hand Delivers Evidence of Judge Robert J Matthews 47 Felonies USDOA Zane

Will District Attorney Seth Williams Overcome Nepotism Corruption Arrest Brown/Sullivan/Kearney

Pennsylvania Tom Corbett Unaccountable Non-Responsive 42 DHS Slaughtered Families

Pro Se Admin Tools Doom Judge Robert Matthews Gang Jail Time Disbar Retire in Disgrace

23mins Bryan Jones says Plaintiffs' Class Action Law Firm Mildenberg advises client submit to DHS after Federal Judge Jan E Dubois Ordered DHS illegally took kids.wma

Philadelphia community seeks Federal Investigation Judge Kevin M Dougherty DHS Contractors

President First Lady Obama Eric Holder Shown Evidence of Systematic Abuse of Congressional Act

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter DA Seth Williams Learn 38 Victims Names of City's Corruption

23min Janice Brown illegal adoption victim Philadelphia DHS Anne Marie Ambrose Judge Kevin M Dougherty tells 3rd Street Angels Crash Victims Grandmother THEY ARE MY KIDS NOW.wma

5 Philadelphia DHS Victims Encourage 3rd Street Angels Grandmother Plead Federal Indictments

Philadelphia Family Court Judge Kevin M Dougherty Worst Offender Illegal Adoptions Schemes Violate U.S. Pa Constitutions and Pa Courts Rules of Procedure Federal Crime Victims Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights Janice Brown Lorraine Grinage Barbara Clayton

42nd Philadelphia DHS Slaughtered Family is 6th Alice Beck Dubow Courtroom H Malpractice

12.05min Adrienne Tines Incredible Acts of Corrupt Judge Retaliation 6 children raped 3 killed Doctor Predator Tine FBI State Trooper Confirmed Pedophile Judge Michigan.wma

23min AZ CA Maldanado NY Lashon Harper PA Judge Robert J Matthews Victims Tracy Slaughter Helene Ross MI Michael Nina Cantaris 4 kids Doris Sterns OK and TN Victims.wma 34Z89xij26NzQyYjM1YjEtNWZlNi00OTFlLTk1ZTItYWRiYjM1YTAzNjNl&hl=en

5.05mins Mary August Washington Family Rights Shares Learning State Statutes Advocacy Groups Mental Health Evaluation Science Fraud Spiritual Health Solutio.wma

27.28 min HireLyrics Standard Access Litigation Referral Debbie Williams Grandmother victim of DHS Contractor Orchard Services Lying in Official Court Documents.wma

(a Roxanne Grinage developed Administrative Solution tool raise quality of life by providing standard access into quality of life impacting competitive processes for the previously un-measured un-accommodated
Population of Disadvantaged Creators)


City of Philadelphia DHS with Philadelphia Family Court Malpractice
Philadelphia Family Court Deliberate Denials Protection From Abuse Conflicts of Interest Ethics and Judicial Misconduct with DHS contractors

I,_____________________________, certify I am lawful guardian, as guardianship has been unlawfully reassigned by way of several official corruption fraud civil rights crimes

as defined by U.S. Department of Justice Pennsylvania Eastern District of Pennsylvania Corruption, Fraud and Civil Rights.  The Official Corruption, Tax Fraud and Civil Rights Section handles the following matters:  All major public official corruption involving local, state and federal officials, including bribery, kickbacks and extortion….Tax offenses and crimes that undermine the integrity of the Internal Revenue Service and its programs….Civil Rights Violation. Government Fraud, Health Care Fraud, and Environmental Crimes. The Government Fraud, Health Care Fraud, and Environmental Crimes Section oversees federal criminal prosecutions of offense such as:  Major health care fraud matters involving false billings and other schemes that victimize patients, the Food and Drug Administration, health care providers, private insurers and government insurers such as Medicare and Medicaid….Thefts and frauds involving government programs, including workmen's compensation, social security, housing, and similar programs administered by other government agencies….Crimes against the United States Postal Service, including thefts, embezzlements and threats against postal employees….In appropriate cases involving health care fraud and fraud on government agencies, the criminal division coordinates with the office's Affirmative Civil Enforcement Program.”

including denials of due process, lying in official court documents and destruction of evidence in the best interest of children and families perpetrated by criminally behaving City of Philadelphia DHS employees and contractors as managed by Anne Marie Ambrose with Philadelphia Family Court conflict of interest and professional misconducts malpractice of Philadelphia Adoption Court Roberta Trombetta, Esquire as condoned by Administrative Domestic Relations Judge Kevin M. Dougherty, to cause the unlawful transport, fraudulent billing, trauma abuse personal injuries, theft of vested interest, theft of identity, heritage, knowledge of self, religious freedoms, endangered placed un-necessarily at highest risk of early incarceration, parent alienation, physical mental psychological injuries; child sexual predators; neglect, mental and physical abuse, disability and wrongful death:

Child’s Full Name and Date of Birth

Child’s Full Name and Date of Birth

Child’s Full Name and Date of Birth

Child’s Full Name and Date of Birth

Child’s Full Name and Date of Birth

Child’s Full Name and Date of Birth


Estate of __________________________ (Date of Birth and Age at Time of Death)


I  ________________________________________ certify I am a Federal Crime Victim* as defined by United States Department of Justice Eastern District of Pennsylvania as set forth in 18 U.S.C. § 3771:

* According to the act, a victim is “a person directly and proximately harmed as a result of the commission of a Federal offense or an offense in the District of Columbia. In the case of a crime victim who is under 18 years of age, incompetent, incapacitated, or deceased, the legal guardians of the crime victim or representatives of the crime victim’s estate, family members, or any other persons appointed suitable by the court, may assume the crime victim’s right under this chapter, but in no event shall the defendant be named as such guardian or representative.”

I, _____________________________, certify that I have acted lawfully responsibly and respectfully throughout all corruption poisoned Philadelphia Family Court with City of Philadelphia DHS processes and venues and continue to act lawfully as a proud American and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania resident, committed to leveraging individual accountability forbidding abuse of immunity language in 1983 Civil Rights Act which is being used by criminally behaving official corruption fraud civil rights assailants to perpetrate felony crimes upon working class student and impoverished families to perpetrate a Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform State of Emergency in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.

I, ______________________________, responsibly submit evidence which respectfully pleads urgent ethical authorized intervention, investigation, audits, indictments, convictions, fines, penalties and restitution including but not limited to immediate return of kidnapped for profit unlawfully transported children of all ages; and 2004 CRIME VICTIMS' BILL OF RIGHTS promised by U.S. Department of Justice as set forth in 18 U.S.C. § 3771:

(1) The right to be reasonably protected from the accused.  (2) The right to reasonable, accurate, and timely notice of any public court proceeding, or any parole proceeding, involving the crime or of any release or escape of the accused.  (3) The right not to be excluded from any such public court proceeding, unless the court, after receiving clear and convincing evidence, determines that testimony by the victim would be materially altered if the victim heard other testimony at that proceeding.  (4) The right to be reasonably heard at any public proceeding in the district court involving release, plea, sentencing, or any parole proceeding.  (5) The reasonable right to confer with the attorney for the Government in the case. (6) The right to full and timely restitution as provided in law.  (7) The right to proceedings free from unreasonable delay.  (8) The right to be treated with fairness and with respect for the victim's dignity and privacy.


I, ____________________________, certify I have caused the foregoing to be transmitted by electronic mail or facsimile or postage prepaid first class mail or by certified mail return receipt requested or by priority mail as indicated on Certified Service Distribution List in satisfaction of service Rules of Procedure and as, Crime Report, Recovery Act Fraud and Waste Whistleblower Transmittal, Intervention and Audit Request.


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