112810 173 days since Lorraine Grinage Children Arriyel Roxanne Brown Age 2 and Ezekiel Zadkiel Brown Age 4 are Abducted through Mob Assault Philadelphia DHS Slaughtered Voters Organize No Second Term for Non Responsive Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter Campaign – Commit 2012 Votes to Any Candidate running against Michael Nutter Send Clear Message Federal Crime Victim Voters insist Elected Officials recognize Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights Malpractice Conflict of Interest State Court with State Agency DHS Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform State of Emergency.wma https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B_UmvYpq4WCUNmQ5MGMxZDItNmQxNi00Mjc1LWI3OTctM2Q3MzVkOWY1ZGNh&sort=name&layout=list&num=50 |
112410 Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics is Born To Serve on Blog Talk Radio Full Disclaimers and Future Talk Radio Show Topics Invitation.wma https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B_UmvYpq4WCUMWY1MGU4YTMtODFkZi00ZGM3LTllOTgtMWI5NDE0ODc1YWI1&sort=name&layout=list&num=50 |
112510 Thanksgiving Day 2010 20min 2 of 3 Case Studies Posed to Organized Crime Science Fraud Expert James Roger Brown 11/28/10 HireLyrics on Blog Talk Radio Expert Witness Special Guest: Mary August (WA) Bryan Jones (PA) DHS Malpractice Corruption Retaliation Federal Crime Victims.wma https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B_UmvYpq4WCUYzlhNmExYjctMGU5Yi00MzU1LTgxNjEtYmQ1ZDkxYWNkY2Yy&sort=name&layout=list&num=50 |
14.44mins Roxanne Grinage Thanks All for Support of Special HireLyrics Evidence Submission 11/21/10 Talk Radio URL Sent to President Domestic Violence Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett Oprah Show John Walsh Producers Request Intervention Audits Slow Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform Emergency.wma https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B_UmvYpq4WCUMjhhZDhiMjUtOGYzZC00Nzk0LTlmYTItOGI5M2UzNjNkNDk1&sort=name&layout=list&num=50 |
112710 1630mins 3of 3 Case Studies Posed to Organized Crime Science Fraud Expert HireLyrics on Blog Talk Radio 11/28/10 Special Guest James Roger Brown (Kentucky): Michigan DHS Orchard Services Vickie Palatino Marian Kramer Susan Buttons Misconduct Reunify Chantelle Tucker Debbie Williams Kids with Pedophile Geneal Roberson CRW-101797.wma https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B_UmvYpq4WCUNWNlYTVjODEtMjYzMC00YTBiLWFjZDYtMmQ0YzJkM2M0NWVm&sort=name&layout=list&num=50 |
111710 7mins Roxanne Grinage Telephones Pennsylvania Eastern District US Attorney Zane David Memeger Follow Up Fair Deployment Federal Fugitive Task Force Evidence State Court Judge Robert J. Matthews Malpractice Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights 47 Felonies with Fern Brown Caplan, Esquire Timothy E. Possenti Equire PaED Dockets 209cv04119-MSG 209cv05448-BMS 210cv00179-MSG.wma https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B_UmvYpq4WCUODY3NGVkMWEtMDM5OS00YTU2LTkzMjUtYmZjNTlmZDBmOWJm&sort=name&layout=list&num=50 |
I, ________________________________, certify I am lawful guardian, as guardianship has been unlawfully reassigned by way of several official corruption fraud civil rights crimes
as defined by U.S. Department of Justice Pennsylvania Eastern District of Pennsylvania http://www.justice.gov/usao/pae/Documents/about.html “Official Corruption, Fraud and Civil Rights. The Official Corruption, Tax Fraud and Civil Rights Section handles the following matters: All major public official corruption involving local, state and federal officials, including bribery, kickbacks and extortion….Tax offenses and crimes that undermine the integrity of the Internal Revenue Service and its programs….Civil Rights Violation. Government Fraud, Health Care Fraud, and Environmental Crimes. The Government Fraud, Health Care Fraud, and Environmental Crimes Section oversees federal criminal prosecutions of offense such as: Major health care fraud matters involving false billings and other schemes that victimize patients, the Food and Drug Administration, health care providers, private insurers and government insurers such as Medicare and Medicaid….Thefts and frauds involving government programs, including workmen's compensation, social security, housing, and similar programs administered by other government agencies….Crimes against the United States Postal Service, including thefts, embezzlements and threats against postal employees….In appropriate cases involving health care fraud and fraud on government agencies, the criminal division coordinates with the office's Affirmative Civil Enforcement Program.”
including denials of due process, lying in official court documents and destruction of evidence in the best interest of children and families perpetrated by criminally behaving City of Philadelphia DHS employees and contractors as managed by Anne Marie Ambrose with Philadelphia Family Court conflict of interest and professional misconducts malpractice of Philadelphia Adoption Court Roberta Trombetta, Esquire as condoned by Administrative Domestic Relations Judge Kevin M. Dougherty, to cause the unlawful transport, fraudulent billing, trauma abuse personal injuries, theft of vested interest, theft of identity, heritage, knowledge of self, religious freedoms, endangered placed un-necessarily at highest risk of early incarceration, parent alienation, physical mental psychological injuries; child sexual predators; neglect, mental and physical abuse, disability and wrongful death:
Child’s Full Name and Date of Birth | Child’s Full Name and Date of Birth |
Child’s Full Name and Date of Birth | Child’s Full Name and Date of Birth |
Child’s Full Name and Date of Birth | Child’s Full Name and Date of Birth |
Child’s Full Name and Date of Birth | Child’s Full Name and Date of Birth |
Estate of ______________________________________ (Date of Birth and Age at Time of Death) |
I ________________________________________ certify I am a Federal Crime Victim* as defined by United States Department of Justice Eastern District of Pennsylvania http://www.justice.gov/usao/pae/victim_witness.html as set forth in 18 U.S.C. § 3771:
* According to the act, a victim is “a person directly and proximately harmed as a result of the commission of a Federal offense or an offense in the District of Columbia. In the case of a crime victim who is under 18 years of age, incompetent, incapacitated, or deceased, the legal guardians of the crime victim or representatives of the crime victim’s estate, family members, or any other persons appointed suitable by the court, may assume the crime victim’s right under this chapter, but in no event shall the defendant be named as such guardian or representative.”
I, _____________________________, certify that I have acted lawfully responsibly and respectfully throughout all corruption poisoned Philadelphia Family Court with City of Philadelphia DHS processes and venues and continue to act lawfully as a proud American and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania resident, committed to leveraging individual accountability forbidding abuse of immunity language in 1983 Civil Rights Act which is being used by criminally behaving official corruption fraud civil rights assailants to perpetrate felony crimes upon working class student and impoverished families to perpetrate a Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform State of Emergency in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
I, ______________________________, responsibly submit evidence which respectfully pleads urgent ethical authorized intervention, investigation, audits, indictments, convictions, fines, penalties and restitution including but not limited to immediate return of kidnapped for profit unlawfully transported children of all ages; and 2004 CRIME VICTIMS' BILL OF RIGHTS promised by U.S. Department of Justice as set forth in 18 U.S.C. § 3771:
(1) The right to be reasonably protected from the accused. (2) The right to reasonable, accurate, and timely notice of any public court proceeding, or any parole proceeding, involving the crime or of any release or escape of the accused. (3) The right not to be excluded from any such public court proceeding, unless the court, after receiving clear and convincing evidence, determines that testimony by the victim would be materially altered if the victim heard other testimony at that proceeding. (4) The right to be reasonably heard at any public proceeding in the district court involving release, plea, sentencing, or any parole proceeding. (5) The reasonable right to confer with the attorney for the Government in the case. (6) The right to full and timely restitution as provided in law. (7) The right to proceedings free from unreasonable delay. (8) The right to be treated with fairness and with respect for the victim's dignity and privacy.
I, ____________________________, certify I have caused the foregoing to be hand delivered or transmitted by electronic mail or facsimile or postage prepaid first class mail or by certified mail return receipt requested or by priority mail or I have made report by telephone per instructions given at official website of Department of Justice Eastern District of Pennsylvania United States’ as indicated on Certified Service Distribution List in satisfaction of service Rules of Procedure and as, Crime Report, Recovery Act Fraud and Waste Whistleblower Transmittal, Intervention and Audit Request.
VIA TELEPHONE COMPLAINT COURTESY COPIES FOR ESTEEMED LAWMAKERS AND PROSECUTORS WE PRAY WILL INTERVENE AND AUDIT. Attn: Mike Schwartz, Chief of the Corruption, Labor Racketeering and Tax Section at (215) 861-8923 Attn: Philadelphia Regional Office Attn: Washington, DC Regional Office MR. ERIC HOLDER U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Patrick Henry Building, Room 5028 Special Litigation Section Washington, D.C. 20530 Tel: 877-218-5228 FAX 202-514-0212
CC: Federal Bureau of Investigation 935 Pennsylvania Washington DC 20530 Attention: Initial Processing Unit Tel: 202-324-3000 FAX 202-324-2388
URL OF 11/21/10, 11/28/10, 12/05/10 and future HireLyrics is Born To Serve on Blog Talk Radio Show Urls with links to posted audio and this document Certified Service Distribution FEDERAL CRIME VICTIM DISCLOSURE REQUEST PROTECTION FROM OFFICIAL CORRUPTION RETALIATION TERRORISM COERCION STALKING WITH MALICE http://BlogTalkRadio.com/Born-To-Serve All due diligence data responsibly recorded respectfully reported in HireLyrics Administrative Services prototype demonstration of U.S. Economy recovery administrative solutions tool, U.S. Citizens Controlled Public Docket Database www.HireLyrics.org/FederalCrimeVictimVoters sent to Community Conscience Impacting Media Icons Lawmakers and Prosecutors with the Authorities of Intervene, Investigate, Audit, Enjoin, Stop Irreparable Harms caused by systematic of abuse of immunity language in 1983 Civil Rights Act, Court with DHS Malpractice Conflict of Interest | VIA EMAIL
President Barack Obama Vice President Joe Biden Domestic Violence Awareness Event Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett www.WhiteHouse.gov contact form
Office of Inspector General
Pennsylvania Governor Elect Tom Corbett http://www.attorneygeneral.gov/ contact form
Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter
Philadelphia District Attorney R. Seth Williams City of Philadelphia Department of Human Services DHS Commissioner Anne Marie Ambrose Pennsylvania State Court F.J.D.C. CCP FEDERAL CRIME VICTIMS CREATED BY CORRUPTION IN GOVERNMENT VICTIMIZATIONS ARE ALSO A VOTER CONSTITUENCY ENCOURAGED TO CALL, EMAIL OR FAX YOUR SUPPORT OF THE PASSING OF July 26, 2010 via Press Conference from Independence Mall announced Bipartisan Pennsylvania Public Integrity Commission Honorable Curt Schroder (Republican) 41A East Wing, PO Box 202155 Harrisburg, PA 17120-2155 Tel: (717) 783-2520 Fax: (717) 705-1994
CC: Honorable Eugene DePasquale (Democrat) 111A East Wing, PO Box 202095 Harrisburg, PA 17120-2095 Tel: (717) 787-7514 Fax: (717) 780-4765
CC: Honorable John T. Yudichak (Democrat) 324 Main Capitol, PO Box 202119 Harrisburg, PA 17120-2119 Tel: (717) 787-1751 Fax: (717) 783-3180
CC: Honorable Mike Vereb (Republican) 314 Main Capitol, PO Box 202150 Harrisburg, PA 17120-2150 Tel: (717) 705-7164 Fax: (717) 260-6522
A Pennsylvania Registered Standard Access Litigation Referral Mechanism demonstrated by Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Services
PO Box 22225 Philadelphia Pa 19136
Telephone: (229) 395-0039 All Calls are Recorded
Email: DignityForTheHumanSpirit@HireLyrics.org and RoxanneGrinage@Yahoo.com
www.HireLyrics.org and www.HireLyrics.org/FederalCrimeVictimVoters
HireLyrics is Born To Serve on Blog Talk Radio hosted by Roxanne Grinage
www.BlogTalkRadio.com/Born-To-Serve Call In No. (646) 200-4377
HireLyrics is a standard access mechanism that raises quality of life by providing standard access to those administrative services that when rendered contingently cause fair entry into competitive processes; exposure and earnings opportunities for the previously unseen, unmeasured and un-accommodated Worldwide Population of Disadvantaged Creators. What are Disadvantaged Creators Creating? Families, Communities, Education, Technology, Entertainment, Engineering, Military and Defense, Health care Medicine and Science, Twelve Step Recovery, Life Experience and Mentorship.
The answer to missed educational opportunities; oppressive contracts and unaccountability horror stories; racism; poverty; and hate-based ideas festering into terrorism, is the responsible development of entities that standardize access, standardize procedures, and standardize services. – respectfully, roxanne grinage, HireLyrics Schematics 2003.
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