10/20/10 DISCLAIMER SPAM NOTICE! It has come to our attention that at least two of our yahoo accounts have been hacked such that spammers have accessed address books of LorraineCarlett@Yahoo.com and RoxanneGrinage@Yahoo.com causing a link to ads for services and products that are in no way associated with Roxanne Grinage Lorraine Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Services or U.S. Citizens Public Docket Database. Our address books include recipients who are also official corruption fraud civil rights defendants in U.S.D.C. Pennsylvania Eastern District 209-cv-04119-MSG; 209-cv-05448-MSG and 210-cv-00179-MSG who have received email certified service of lawful filings and notices. DISCLAIMER SPAM NOTICE! We did not authorize and do not support any emails containing any links to any subjects except those lawfully filed and certified noticed in all related dockets. See 070610RoxanneGrinagedbaHireLyricsCitizensPublicDocketWhistleblowerReportsCityPhiladelphiaCorruptDHSLawyerCPAMalpracticeFraudWasteRecoveryActIRSOPRSSAGAOForm3949A.pdf https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0BwkY4FQWX-6pMzUwOGE2NzItZTlkZS00NjVlLTljNTctYTBlYTk4NzExMTNj&hl=en SCRUTINIZE ALL FILING ACTIVITY IN U.S. DISTRICT COURT PENNSYLVANIA EASTERN DISTRICT 2:09-CV-04119-MSG INTERNET REPORTING OF THIS DOCKET MONITORED VERIFIED U.S.D.C TAG TEAM COLLEAGUE PROTECTION SYSTEMATIC ABUSE OF IMMUNITY LANGUAGE IN 1983 CIVIL RIGHTS ACT PRACTICED AS A SYSTEMIC MODUS OPERANDI TO PERPETRATE FELONIES UPON AMERICAN FAMILIES CREATING A SPECIALED INTEREST LARGE NATIONWIDE VOTER CONSTITUENCY IF GALVINIZED WOULD HAVE POWERFUL LOBBYING ENDORSEMENT AND IMPEACHMENT POWERS CROSSING PARTY LINES TO SLOW AND END A NATIONWIDE CHILD SLAUGHTER U.S. ECONOMY FRAUD COURT REFORM STATE OF EMERGENCY AND TRIGGERED AMONGST WORKING CLASS STUDENT AND IMPOVERISHED VICTIM FAMILIES A NEW CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT, FAMILIES FIGHT BACK SAY NO MORE DHS DEMONIC HORROR STORIES. http://hirelyrics.org/malpracticecrimevictimvoters.html
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/born-to-serve http://www.HireLyrics.org , http://facebook.com/roxanne.grinage , http://Twitter.com/HireLyrics , http://YouTube.com/HireLyrics http://YouTube.com/WhatIsThereLeftToDo http://YouTube.com/RoxanneGrinage http://USCPSCourtReform CNN iReporter profile reads full 9/24/10 including victim list during peaceful demonstration Philadelphia Family Courthouse across from Angels Statues Fountain. Roxanne Grinage http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-495712 Federal Crime Victim Voters Created by Pennsylvania DHS Court Malpractice Plead Obama Intervention http://www.blogtalkradio.com/born-to-serve/2010/09/24/32-families-entreat-pennsylvania-candidates-dan-on Listen free or download free anytime History Making 10/3/10 HireLyrics is Born To Serve on Blog Talk Radio Show Broadcast President and First Lady Obama Pennsylvania Tom Corbett Dan Onorato Shown Federal Crime Victim Voters http://www.blogtalkradio.com/born-to-serve/2010/10/03/special-voter-constituency-created-by-state-agency . Topic Agenda and Format Invitation To History Making HireLyrics Is Born To Serve on Blog Talk Radio Show Topic Agenda Format http://www.blogtalkradio.com/born-to-serve/blog/2010/10/02/invitation-to-history-making-hirelyrics-is-born-to-serve-on-blog-talk-radio-show-topic-agenda-format 121309 18 Pages Email Saundra Sullivan Erick Brown Beating Ezekiel Arriyel Reported Ignored Anne Marie Ambrose DHS Fern Brown Caplan Michael A Horan False Arrest Judge Robert J Matthews.pdf https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0BwkY4FQWX-6pMGRhZGJjN2EtNGI2Yi00N2JlLTkzYmEtNmUxOTM2MzI0NzJl&hl
051010 Roxanne Grinage Letter Philadelphia City Council Senator Washington Councilwoman Blackwell Mayor Michael Nutter Notice Several Families Interested How Register Participate Upcoming DHS Hearings. https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0BwkY4FQWX-6pMGE0NDBmZWUtZDBmZi00NWI0LWIyZDQtMTUyZWU4ZDNjNTQw&hl=en 053110 Roxanne Grinage Memorial Day Intervention Letter USDOJ Eric Holder behalf 32 Philadelphia Families http://hirelyrics.org/philadelphiacorruption.html Complete Text of 09/24/2010 Open Letter President Barack Obama First Lady Michelle Obama, Pennsylvania Gubernatorial Candidates Dan Onorato and Tom Corbett; Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams and distribution is published at, http://hirelyrics.org/malpracticecrimevictimvoters.html 60810RoxanneGrinageThirdCircuitNoticeofAppealMay112010OrderMitchellSGoldbergUSDCPaED209cv04119-MSG https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0BwkY4FQWX-6pNzFkNjZiNDQtOTgxOS00ZGFjLTlkNTUtOGUwMjRjNDAxYmI3&hl
Philadelphia DHS Slaughtered Families Document Judge Robert J. Matthews Crimes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ppviKkJtow&feature=related
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