Wednesday, October 6, 2010

American Families Crime Victims of Corruption in Government Voters CROSS PARTY LINES THIS ELECTION DAY!!!!

FEDERAL CRIME VICTIM VOTERS CROSS PARTY LINES!!!! IF YOUR WORKING CLASS STUDENT OR IMPOVERISHED AMERICAN FAMILY HAS BEEN A VICTIM OF CORRUPTION....THIS ELECTION DAY CROSS PARTY LINES!!!! VOTE FOR THE CANDIDATE WHO ACKNOWLEDGES THAT A HUGE GROUP OF VOTER CONSTITUENCY IS CREATED BY OFFICIAL CORRUPTION FRAUD CIVIL RIGHTS FELONIES INFLICTED BY OFFICIALS IN A POSITION TO DO SO AND OUR COURTS ARE IN A STATE OF EMERGENCY UNABLE TO PROVIDE REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES. Donations support Federal Crime Victims of State Agency DHS with Family Court Malpractice pay for our own private investigations that gather evidence to (1) show to Presidential, USDOJ State Lawmakers and prosecutors with the authority to intervene and audit (2) rescue court ordered abused injured children suffering in plain sight of community witnesses (3) organize and galvanize as a voter LOBBYING constituency with endorsement and impeachment clout. Contact Roxanne Grinage in Philadelphia Pennsylvania on Cell (229) 395-0039.

Philadelphia Crime Victims Demand DA Seth Williams Arrest Fugitives Erick Brown Saundra Sullivan
Pennsylvania Candidates Hit Snag Did Not Plan For Large Body Federal Crime Victim Voters
Work Ethic Integrity and Morality are Measurable for Impacting U S Economic Recovery

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