Docket Never Lies! Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform State of Emergency Measured in Docket Monitoring
Exhibit 1 Grinage v Fern Brown Caplan Esquire Honed Docket Tools Federal Indictments End Child Slaughter Fraud
Exhibit 2 HireLyrics US Citizens Public Docket Data Calls For Philadelphia DHS Lawyers Federal Indictments
Exhibit 3 070610AllPlaintiffsRelatedDockets209cv04119-MSGRecoveryActIRSOPRSSAWhistleblowerInterventionReferrals35WorkingClassStudentImpoverishedDHSLawyerMalpracticeVictims
Exhibit 4 061810USDCPaED210cv00179-MSGLorraineGrinagevSaundraSullivanErickBrownDianeKearneyJune8ChildEndangermentMobAssaultsLieUSMarshalCitizenFamiliesPetitionRemoveJudgeRobertMatthews
Exhibit 5 61410EvidenceKnownToMarvinLWilliamsEsquireCPAPACSESJudgeHollyFordIRSOPRRecoveryActChildAbusePerjuryBigamyConspiracyErickBrownSaundraSullivanPhiladelphiaDRNo0C0705124.pdf
Exhibit 6 020410MotionDefaultJudgmentSummonsEvadingMaliciousDefendantTimothyPossentiBackgroundCheckRelationshipMcCloskeyConnectionBrownSullivanBigamy115PagesExhibits
Exhibit 7 RoxanneGrinageEvidence13countsChildEndangermentStimulusFraudCaplanPossentiShirdanHarris721to92709
Exhibit 8 021210 44 pages Evidence Included Motion U.S.D.C. for Eastern District of Pennsylvania should recuse itself and appoint special prosecutors from another District because Honorable Mitchell S. Goldberg is imposing number docket discrimination and administrative errors to protect aid and abet official corruption fraud civil rights defendants colleagues Fern Brown Caplan, Esquire, Timothy E. Possenti, Esquire, State Agency Philadelphia DHS Commissioner Anne Marie Ambrose and Tyrant Corrupt State Judge Robert J. Matthews
Dockets Monitored Discrimination Identified
F.J.D. CCP Family DR OCO705124; Opened by Plaintiffs 07/20/2009 U.S.D.C. PaED 209cv04119-MSG; Opened by Plaintiff 09/10//2009 U.S.D.C. PaED 209cv05448-BMS; Opened by Plaintiffs 11/13/2009 U.S.D.C. PaED 210cv00179-MSG; Opened by Plaintiffs 01/14/2010 U.S.C.A 10-2079; 06/07/2010 Notice of Appeal from May 11, 2010 Order 209cv04119-MSG
Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights Crimes Count (1) Lawyer Malpractice; Count (2) Lying in Official Court Documents: Counts (3) Falsifying Official Court Documents; (4) Fraud Recovery Act and Federal Funding Sources; Count (5) Conspiracy To Cover Up Fraud; Count (6) Willful Reckless Child Endangerment; Count (7) Child Abuse Personal Injuries; Count (8) Kidnap Scheme Conspiracy Adoption Fraud IRS Adoption Credit; Count (9) Summons Evasion; Count (10) Internal Revenue Service Fraud Concealment of Extortion and Bribe Income; Count (11) Accessory Identity Theft FEIN IRS EIC Theft Social Security Supplement Income Fraud; Count (12) Recovery Act and Federal Funding Sources Waste; Count (13) Forced Commerce, Count (14) False Arrest and Imprisonment; Count (15) Career Theft; Count (16) Perpetrators and Accessories Aiding and Abetting Erick Brown, Saundra Sullivan, Diane Kearny, June 8, 2010 Child Endangerment Attempted Home Invasion Mob Assaults; Count (17) Perjury; Count (18) Bigamy, Count (19) Child Abuse, Count (20) Mental Cruelty, Count (21) Personal Injury Child Maltreatment Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Count (22) Personal Injury Parent Alienation Syndrome, Count (23) Obstruction of Education Injuries; Count (24) Theft of Ancestry Heritage Cultural Knowledge of Self; Count (25) Theft of Religious Freedoms; Count (26) Vested Interest Theft; Count (27) Career Theft, Count (28) Theft By Deception, Count (29) Terror Threats, Count (30) SSI Fraud, Count (31) IRS Fraud Count (32), FEIN Theft, Count (33) EIC Fraud; Count (34) Fraud Georgia Superior Court Perjury Before Honorable Willie Lockette; Count (35) Aiding and Abetting Erick L. Brown’s Stealing From His Employers In Georgia And Pennsylvania (Employers Notified by Separate Distribution); Count (36) Erick Brown Stealing From his Family in Georgia and Pennsylvania, Count (37) Erick Brown and Saundra Sullivan Defrauding Philadelphia Orphans Court Fraud, Count (37) Willful Accessory to Pennsylvania Child Support Enforcement (PACSES) Fraud; Count (38) Pennsylvania and Philadelphia Tax Revenue Fraud Unreported Earnings; Count (39) Fraud Of Mayor Of Norwood George F. Mccloskey (Bigamy); Count (40) Culpable Accessory to DHS Foster Parent Diane Kearney 06/08/10 Child Abuse Public Mob Violence Assaults; Count (41) Fraud Philadelphia District Attorney’s Private Criminal Complaint Unite; Count (42); Lying to U.S. Marshal on multiple occasions; Defendant Judge Matthews Lied to U.S. Marshal on March 9, 2010 and Saundra Sullivan lied to U.S. Marshal on June 3, 2010. Mr. Eric Holder U.S. Department of Justice Multiple Families Urgent Intervention Request Appoint Special Prosecutors Civil Rights Division Patrick Henry Building, Room 5028 Special Litigation Section Washington, D.C. 20530 Phone: (877) 218-5228 Fax: (202) 324-0726
Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, Whistleblower Information,
Whitehouse Executive Officers In Care of Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel In Re Respectfully Suggested Administrative Solutions reported starting 4/06/2009. The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Whitehouse Executive Officers In Care of Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel In Re Respectfully Suggested Administrative Solutions reported starting 4/06/2009. The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500
U.S. Government Accountability Office, Attention: GAO FraudNet,
U.S. Department of Treasury, Attn: Report Abusive CPAs & Attorneys, Internal Revenue Service,
U.S. House of Representatives, 111th Congress 2nd Section,
Fern Brown Caplan, Esquire Timothy E. Possenti, Esquire PC Judge Robert J. Matthews Anne Marie Ambrose City of Philadelphia DHS Commissioner Marvin L. Williams, Esquire CPA (PACSES) Judge Holly J. Ford Michael A. Horan, Esquire Mark Alleva, Clerk of Court F.J.D. Family Div.
Social Security Fraud Hotline, Social Security Supplemental Income Fax: 410-597-0118 Tel: 1-800-269-0271
SSI Fraud Concealment of Income Erick Lee Brown Saundra O. Sullivan 972 Anchor Street Philadelphia Pa 19124; 2368 N Van Pelt Street Philadelphia Pa 19132; 8239 Frankford Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19136; 6646 N Bouvier Street Philadelphia, Pa 19126
Social Security Numbers and Dates of Birth are available for Erick Lee Brown and Saundra O. Sullivan Upon Request.
Internal Revenue Service, Attn: IRS Forms 3949A Information Referral Internal Revenue Service, Fresno, CA 93888 Re: FEIN EIC and Identity Theft; Unreported Self Employment Income
Erick L. Brown, Saundra O. Sullivan 972 Anchor Street, Philadelphia Pa 19124 2368 N Van Pelt Street Philadelphia Pa 19132 8239 Frankford Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19136 196 Main Street, Sasser Ga 39885 2936 W Dauphin Street, Philadelphia Pa 19132
City of Philadelphia DHS Foster Contractors Diane Kearney and Lenwood Kearney aka Diane Sullivan 6646 N Bouvier Street Philadelphia, Pa 19126
Pennsylvania Child Support Enforcement Fraud Hotline PACSES
REPORTING Marvin L. Williams, Esquire CPA PACSES FJDC Domestic Relations Administrative Judge Kevin M. Dougherty CCP Judge Holly J. Ford CCP Judge Robert J. Matthews Private Attorney Timothy E. Possenti, Esquire Private Attorney Fern Brown Caplan, Esquire Defendant Name: Erick L. Brown Defendant Member ID: 5765101786 PACSES Case Number: 679108935 Defendant’s Aliases: Erick Lee Brown; Erick L Brown, Eric Brown and is confirmed deliberately misspelling his name (Comcast Utility Bill) while on the run after 6/8/2010 mob assault child abduction, Erric Brown.
Philadelphia Police Department 2nd District Captain Michael McCarrick Levick Street & Harbison Avenue Philadelphia Pa 19149 REPORTING: In Re May 25 2010 Fraudulent Report of Stolen Vehicle Insurance Fraud of Erick L. Brown, Saundra Sullivan, Diane Kearney at 972 Anchor Street Philadelphia, Pa 19142, also filed in all Courts and all related dockets beginning May 26, 2010.
Honorable Georgia Superior Court Judge Willie Lockette Attention: Evonne S. Mull Clerk of Court 225 Pine Avenue Albany, GA 31701-2561
REPORTING: Annette Oliver Legal Clerk and Notary The Albany Herald Publishing Company Inc. 126 North Washington Street PO Box 48, Albany, Ga 31702 Erick Lee Brown lied about his state of residence and the state of residence for his wife, Lorraine Grinage and date of their marriage; Erick Brown lied about the existence of two children from the marriage whom he has abducted in contempt of a temporary custody order in Pennsylvania and is on the run from service of summons for his aggravated assaults, child abuse inflicted in public mob assault on June 8, 2010; used his mother’s address 1700 Highland Avenue, Albany GA 31703. |
Monday, August 30, 2010
Court Reform,
Identity Theft,
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