Thursday, August 5, 2010

Grinage v Fern Brown Caplan Esquire Honed Docket Monitoring Tools Move Closer To Federal Indictments Clean Up Philadelphia Corruption Child Slaughter

Date / Time: 8/8/2010 11:00 AM

Category: Education

Call-in Number: (646) 200-4377

Wolf Pack modus operandi recorded by Public Docket insertion of victim families incident reporting confirmed by tracker statistics and search terms which show a nationwide interest in common phrases being searched by universities law and business schools military bases usdoj public libraries womens mens shelters bar association which include Kevin M Dougherty Margaret Murphy Federal Indictments Possenti Temple Check Fraud Roberta Trombetta illegal adoptions Who are Judge Robert Matthews favorite attorneys? What is Mayor Michael Nutter doing about DHS child abuse? Philadelphia District Attorney corruption Family Court Ordered Arrest Community Service? Alice Beck Dubow Courtroom H Carlin Saafir Child Advocate Fraud. Data gathered which gives families suffering from Child Slaughter US Economy Fraud Court Reform Emergency in Philadelphia hope that we might get federal indictments to clean up CPS DHS Family Court corruption. We will apply Docket Monitoring Analysis to Colleague Protection Docket Discrimination where one District Judge Mitchell S. Goldberg ordered 7/14/10 that District Court does not have jurisidiction to hear DHS State Agency with Lawyer Malpractice official corruption fraud civil rights complaint and how another PaED Judge ordered DHS to defend DHS’ motions to dismiss official corruption fraud civil rights case about an illegal adoption to benefit DHS contractor Childrens Choice outlining specific orders for DHS to account for if/how they have complied with due process rights of Plaintiff victim family on 8/6/10confirming that PaED Judges are applying federal law subjectively suggesting colleague protection as 37 felony counts proven to have been committed by Fern Brown Caplan Timothy E. Possenti Judge Robert J. Matthews Anne Marie Ambrose and joined on 6/24/10 by Marvin L. Williams CPA PACSES and Judge Holly J Ford dismissed as “plaintiff complains about several deficiencies” of a custody matter. Plaintiff is Roxanne Grinage who proved 37 felonies. 

On July 6, 2010, U.S. Citizens Public Docket holds due diligence data of thirty-five (35) working class student and impoverished Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. Citizens whose health, educations and careers are stolen by State Court with State Agency DHS with U.S.D.C. for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania imposed systematic abuse of immunity language in 1983 Civil Rights Act; Destruction of lawful filings with filing fees, Censorship and Destruction of Evidence; Docket Discrimination; Docket Censorship; Docket Manipulation; tyrannical false arrest and imprisonment flagrantly imposed to aid and abet Conflict of Interest Malpractice between State Court with Recovery Act funded State and City of Philadelphia Agency DHS lawyers CPAs and contractor beneficiaries, resulting in ongoing irreparable harms to U.S. citizen working class student and impoverished U.S. Citizen families living in City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Eastern District; and resubmit and add updated evidence of a Child Slaughter, U.S. Economy Fraud, Court Reform State of Emergency and Whistleblower Intervention Referrals forced by Transparency Accountability Professional Responsibility Fraud Waste Corruption in Government State Of Emergency Measured in Docket Discrimination and Abuse of Immunity Language in a Congressional Act by and between Conflict Of Interest Malpractice F.J.D.C.; State Agency DHS; City of Philadelphia Corruption in Government; and U.S.D.C. for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania resulting in Irreparable Harms To Working Class Student and Impoverished U.S. Citizen Families residing in Pennsylvania Eastern District City of Philadelphia.  See Figure 1, Accurately Restated Evidence Falsified by Contextomy; Docket Discrimination; Abuse of Immunity Language in 1983 Civil Rights Act by Conflict of Interest State Court with State Agency Lawyer CPA Judge Malpractice. 

Please intervene appoint special prosecutors from outside Eastern District of Pennsylvania to enjoin/stop ongoing irreparable injuries inflicted by State Court with State Agency Malpractice Judges Commissioner DHS Lawyers and CPAs which include but are not limited to systematic denial of due process; forced commercial transactions,; theft of vested interest; career theft personal injuries disabilities and wrongful death victimizations inflicted upon thirty-five Roxanne Grinage dba U.S. Citizens Public Docket Database verified and recorded working class, student and impoverished Philadelphia families perpetrated under color of law by Eastern District Court and First Judicial District Courts systematic abuse of immunity language in a congressional act, 1983 Civil Rights Act.  Verified and documented by U.S. citizen families of Philadelphia County is a Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform State of Emergency condoned by and participated in by U.S.D.C. Eastern Pennsylvanias systematic abuse of immunity language in 1983 Civil Rights Act.

A documented modus operandi of official corruption Recovery Act wasting criminally siphoned money is Contextomy and Falsification of official Court documents systematically practiced by conflict of interest state and municipality agency DHS with F.J.D. State court and bar association malpractice lawyers and CPAs.  U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvanias tolerance of flagrant errors, censorship and destruction of evidence nurture a State Agency City of Philadelphia DHS Legal Department and First Judicial District Court of Common Pleas Domestic Relations Wolf Pack styled attack and destruction of working class, student and impoverished U.S. Citizen families by way of systematic abuse of immunity language in 1983 Civil Rights Act.   These are the felony counts of crimes committed by Defendants in related F.J.D. CCP DR No. 0C0705124; U.S.D.C. 209-cv-04119-MSG; 209-cv-05448-BMS; and 2:10-cv-00179-MSG.  


Grinage Family Fundraiser Rescue Ezekiel Zadkiel Brown Age 4 and Arriyel Roxanne Brown Age 2 Missing Exploited Abused Children. Please help Grinage Family Rescue Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown Kidnapped by abusive father and his Girlfriend in contempt of shared legal custody and visitation in temporary custody order F.J.D.C. Philadelphia County DR No. 0C0705124.  Donations pay for hiring Private Investigators, travel and professional expert witness report costs in Pennsylvania and Georgia where Erick Brown and Saundra Sullivan are hiding to avoid service of summons for aggravated assaults and child abuse injuries inflicted on Lorraine Grinage’s children and Roxanne Grinage’s Grandchildren from 12/13/2009 through 06/08/2010  Philadelphia Criminal Case CR-10-06-11-9549 Honorable Marsha H. Neifield referred to District Attorney R. Seth Williams and Federal Case 210cv00179MSG.
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Roxanne Grinage  (229) 395-0039
HireLyrics Administrative Services
U.S. Citizens Public Docket Database
PO Box 22225
Philadelphia PA 19136

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