Grandma Seeks Donations Rescue Philadelphia's Corruption Mob Assault Abducted Grands
Economy Depleting Impacts of Official Corruption in U.S.D.C. PaED 209-cv-04119-MSG Grinage v Fern Brown Caplan, Esquire et al. Docket Never Lies! Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform State of Emergency Measured In Docket Monitoring.
6 More Judge Robert J. Matthews Financial Tyranny Fraud Corruption Victims Post In Citizens Docket Citizens hold proofs that Judge Robert J. Matthews is the head of the snake the embodiment of Philadelphia's deeply rooted state agency DHS with F.J.D.C. Family Division financially motivated Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform State of Emergency. Ever since Roxanne Grinage demonstrated public posting of verified incident reporting which connects relationships measures work ethic synergy and intent between court and social services positioned practictioners certain groups of criminally behaving professionals using the same records mis-management destruction of evidence docket discrimination docket manipulation modus operandi measure individual and personal accountability for willful roles played in perpetrating Pennsylvania Eastern District's Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform State of Emergency. Roxanne Grinage Lorraine Grinage Ezekiel Zadkiel Brown Arriyel Roxanne Brown are joined by 6 additional families reporting $100,000.00 bail imposed on grandmother for missing a court date while hospitalized with cancer; 220 hours community service and placing babies with abusive parents; false arrests with no record of the arrest lieing to U.S. Marshal claiming expedited release of falsely arrested protective mother while calling the Jail and telling corrections officers to hold indefinitely without charges, etc. These six latest victims posting to a U.S. Citizens Controlled Public Docket for the sake of truth in public record are in addition to the 144 signatures gathered as a result of Philadelphia citizens campaign petition Remove Child Abuser Judge Robert J. Matthews gathered in April, 2010, Whistleblower reported 7/06/10 to USDOJ President Barack Obama Executive Offices U.S.D.C. PaED 209-cv-04119-MSG Intervention and Audit Requests needed for systematic abuse of immunity language in 1983 Civil Rights Act which not only destroys the would be economy enriching careers contributions of children, but defraud most Recovery Act fed agencies. |
Philadelphia DHS Victims Encourage 3rd Street Angels Grandmother File Federal Lawsuit & Report USDOJ Janice Brown is grandmother of the survivors of 2009 Feltonville Crash victims who cared for her grandchildren until DHS took them for reasons yet unaccounted for. Janice Brown started an organization to honor the memory of her daughter and grandchildren lost in the tragic accident called "The 3rd Street Angels." Philadelphia Daily News Articles March and August report a State Agency DHS Commissioner Anne Marie Ambrose and Philadelphia Family Court Administrative Judge Kevin M. Dougherty are evasive unaccountable and responsible for misadministration and tyrannical acts which have caused the trauma separation injuries of Janice Brown's 3 surviving grandchildren, the recent return of one and purported planned fast tracked adoption of two. March Daily News article quotes Anne Marie Ambrose as saying "it's just so complicated and will take time to work out" and August Daily News article reports that Domestic Relations Judge Kevin M. Dougherty has ordered "Grandmother is forbidden to have any contact with two of her grandchildren." HireLyrics suggested administrative solutions tool for measuring Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform State of Emergency records a modus operandi practiced by corrupt DHS employees with Philadelphia Family court judges to enable contractors to perform months delayed "bonding evaluations to conclude kidnapped for profit children have bonded with the DHS foster contractor to ensure profits for DHS |
Families Given Hope in Pennsylvania Bipartisan Lawmakers Public Integrity Commission Proposal 7-26-10 Applause! Applause! Roxanne Grinage watched the live web feed press conference today. "In the wake of a series of scandals involving elected officials throughout the Commonwealth a bipartisan group of state legislators is spearheading legislative efforts to create a Public Integrity Commission (PIC)....Serving a dual law enforcement and education role a PIC would be charged with uncovering and investigating corruption at all levels of government within the Commonwealth." One of the reasons why Roxanne Grinage believes this proposal to form a Public Integrity Commission in Pennsylvania gives so much hope for DHS and Philadelphia Family Court Corruption victims is because Rep Schroder is on record for attempting "to Revoke Funding for Philadelphia Family Court Project Until Independent Investigation Occurs (07/09/2010) Describing it as an unprecedented waste of taxpayer money, Rep. Curt Schroder (R-East Brandywine) attempted to amend language to the capital budget to revoke a spending authorization of an estimated $12 million to build a new family court building in Philadelphia." Callers are encouraged to call in and discuss what this means for the working class students and impoverished families documented in a public citizens controlled docket for having been destroyed by misconduct of DHS and Family Court positioned elected officials and practitioners. Roxanne Cell: 229-395-0039 email: Erick Brown Saundra Sullivan Fugitives, Bipartisan Public Integrity Commission, DHS CPS Michael Nutter Seth Williams, Citizens Petitioned Removed Judge Robert Matthews, Fern Brown Caplan Timothy E Possenti, Esquire. Education Everyone 9/5/2010 11:00 AM 120 minutes |
Dear Friends and Family, As you might know, the work I did in my own self employment helped many family victims of CPS corruption in government but was not compensable, i.e., I received no compensation above costs and did not charge above costs already financially devastated families for the research, marketing exposure and due diligence reporting of several federal pro se complaints produced with official corruption fraud civil rights exhibit proofs reported to President Barack Obama's executive officers, USDOJ Mr. Eric Holder and U.S. Government Accountability office, a verified Child Slaughter, U.S. Economy Fraud, Court Reform State of Emergency. During the past ten years, I always worked as a temp legal secretary or executive assistant for attorneys, investment bankers or human resources executives to support myself and my family.
However, the June 8, 2010 public mob assaults and our assailants moving to flee criminal service of summons Lorraine Grinage v. Saundra O. Sullivan December 13, 2009 aggravated assaults of minor children while in the commission of Social Security Disability Fraud (U.S.D.C. PaED 2:10-cv-00179-MSG), abducting my already injured known to be abused/traumatized grandchildren confirmed by U.S. Marshal's returned proof of service on July 1, 2010 (house vacant) and President Judge Marsha Neifield's statement in court on July 12, 2010 (police confirm moved not able to serve referred to District Attorney's office) required our family to hire private investigators for locating and safely retrieving Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown, ages 4 and 2. Our private investigation, surveillance and rescue mission has to cover Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Fulton County, Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia, Albany, Georgia, Dawson, Georgia, Herrod, Georgia.
I know you think I should be able to simply call the authorities here in Philadelphia and tell them that the fugitives and missing and exploited kidnapped children can be found and retrieved at these updated locations, but along with the due diligence reported about CPS corruption in government is a severe problem with nepotism corruption in Philadelphia's District Attorney's office where Saundra Sullivan and DHS foster parent Diane Kearney with Lenwood Kearney are recorded saying "I don't have anything to worry about because I have friends who work for the City of Philadelphia".
Three unidentified men with baseball bats and guns who accompanied Erick Brown and Saundra Sullivan and her mother Diane Kearney while they assaulted my daughter me and beat my husband on June 8, 2010 are believed to be "connected" in the District Attorney's private criminal complaint department which explains why the District Attorney's office has rejected 5 of the 6 proof complaints about Saundra Sullivan's acts of violence and fraud since February and would only press charges for the public witnessed aggravated assaults beating of Willie Brownson by Erick Brown while Ezekiel and Arriyel were brought into riotous conditions where more than 50 neighbors scrambled to protect their homes and children from guns and baseball bat wielding attackers and when little Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown were endangered left unattended in Saundra Sullivan's vehicle while they watched their mother being attacked with a baseball bat, their grandmother being assaulted and their pop pop and primary care giver all of their little lives being beat less than one week after hernia surgery, stitches still in, by their father Erick Brown, a fugitive now with Saundra O. Sullivan.
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