HireLyrics is standard access to legal assistant claims intake litigation and law enforcement referral for the previously un-accommodated federal crime victim witness created by official corruption fraud civil rights violations. Roxanne Grinage's Standard Access Mechanism Business Model Achieved Claims Intake Assessment of 2,060 Federal Crime Victims created by Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights Violations. Champions of Patriotism were revealed whose litigation and law enforcement referral data respectfully suggest 11 Proposed Federal Laws to Enrich Innovation of U.S. Economy, Education, Judicial Accountability, Prison and Public Safety Reform. "The answer to missed educational opportunities, unaccountability horror stories, poverty, racism and hate-based ideas festering into terrorism is the responsible developments of entities that standardize access and standardize services." -respectfully, roxanne grinage HireLyrics Schematics 2002 "Restore Courage To Journalism... . |
Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Services Website: www.HireLyrics.org Email: roxannegrinage@gmail.com |
January 9, 2012
VIA EMAIL AND FACSIMILE (Published to HireLyrics.org Case Study Pages)
Marc John Randazza | Ronald D Green, Jr. |
Re: Request Permission to publicly comment and possibly join with Plaintiffs' Marc Randazza et al, similarly situated claims of Roxanne Grinage dba HireLyrics Administrative Services and U.S. Citizens Public Docket Database, Pennsylvania and U.S. Department of Treasury registered sole proprietorships damaged by exactly the same defendants, Eliot Bernstein and Crystal Cox for exactly the same nature of suit and causes of action as opened by Marc Randazza et al docket report through date of last filing 01/08/2013 captioned below.
United States District Court District of Nevada (Las Vegas) CASE No. 2:12-cv-02040-GMN-PAL
Randazza et al v. Cox et al | Date Filed: 11/28/2012 |
Dear Messrs Randazza and Green,
Congratulations on Order granting Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction yesterday. May I please have your permission to upload your court stamped complaint, exhibits and Document 2 Motion Temporary Restraining Order Motion Preliminary Injunction and Exhibits and comment on how your claims against Cox and Bernstein are similar to my own on case study pages at HireLyrics.org and also in videos and blog journals?
I am planning to file my own federal complaint against Bernstein and Cox (diversity) from here in Pennsylvania's Eastern District on or about February 22nd. I don't quite know how but I would like to learn if possible how I could notify the federal court here when I file that my claims against Bernstein and Cox are related to your case and if possible to the Oregon appeal of Kevin Padrick Obsidian Financial attempting to enforce $2.5M defamation judgment against Cox in Oregon.
Your complaint filed 11/28/2012 in U.S. District Court of Nevada, against Bernstein and Cox and my review of the docket report through yesterday, confirm for me that I have first-hand irrefutable evidence against Eliot Bernstein that may assist law enforcement in learning Eliot Bernstein is the sinister coward criminal mind behind a not too smart Crystal Cox who has sold some of her domains to Eliot Bernstein to hide her assets and posts the defamatory content about Apple Executives and now roxannegrinage.com after I told Eliot Bernstein and Crystal Cox on November 9, 2012 to get my name off of email(s) to Apple Executives Bruce Sewell and Steven Dowling that had anything to do with demanding money from anyone based on the threat of posting defamatory content on domains named for real people.
The truth is that Eliot Bernstein is backing Cox because Cox is alienated and ostracized by responsible bloggers, journalists and certainly all professionals transacting any legitimate business. Eliot Bernstein is the criminal mastermind behind what I see now on hind sight and review of two five inch expandable redwells of printed file materials, a 1.5 inch three ring binder and 2 4.7GB DVD Data Discs, document and audio files - Eliot Bernstein is in fact a genius who, like the Joker villain on Batman Dark Comic Series has lost his ability to reason and believes that it's okay to do to others what he perceives was done to him. According to his thinking, Eliot Bernstein believes more than 4,000 people entities and businesses are in receipt of revenues earned as a result of patents stolen from him twelve years ago by the law firm he and his inventor team hired to register the patents as they created the internet technology inventions.
I am not too worried about Crystal Cox because as my husband pointed out she is just running all over the country abusing internet consumer audience reach to pick one fight after the next with anyone who won't succumb to Eliot Bernstein's and her extortion by domain defamation schemes. She is spread way too thin and has not realized that Eliot Bernstein sits back comfortably watching her go on one kamikaze mission after the next: Defamation of Obsidian Financial people, Defamation of Apple Executives; Defamation of People and their families even children are fair game for Cox; offering to not defame people if you pay her $2,500 per month for reputation management services; breaking all kinds of laws like practicing law without a license....Cox speaks in court pleadings in pro se voice for herself but represents Eliot Bernstein Iviewit interests as well. I noticed in the docket report that Eliot Bernstein was served summons and his answer to your complaint was due 01/05/12. I guess Ms. Crystal Cox $2.5M Defamation Judgment Scam Blogger is also Eliot Bernstein's attorney representation as well? [sarcasm].
My ethical and moral motivation is to bring Eliot Bernstein accountable to the community of federal crime victim pro se litigants for Eliot's defamation tantrum which deliberately sabotaged the copyright infringement litigation of our mutual friend who Eliot convinced to file on 12/28/12, a non-compliant objectionable ("sham") opposition to motion for summary judgment and avoid any reference to the meat of his case researched verified and document production performed by me as the pro se litigant's consultant agreement contracted legal assistant: four motions, declarations and 10 court stamped evidentiary compliant exhibits e-filed 11/30/12, 12/01/12 and 12/05/12, I had marked itemized and court stamped without any objections whatsoever by adverse party lawyers to this date. Motions I prepared for pro se litigant were denied in part and granted in part.
Eliot Bernstein used his rage against me because I wouldn't go along with his extortion scheme with Crystal Cox against Apple executives Steven Dowling and Bruce Sewell, to call my copyright infringement pro se litigant client, a person who he referred to me as a client on September 2, 2012, but who he shared a long time friendship with and inflicted a defamation tantrum upon an already stressed pro se litigant who was trying desperately to stay alive in a federal copyright infringement docket while he searched for an attorney to help in time for trial scheduled March 2013. Eliot Bernstein used his friendship with this client of Roxanne Grinage to pressure the copyright infringement plaintiff litigant to not use me as his legal secretary for the opposition filing which the Motion for Extension of Time to Reply prepared by me was Granted by the Federal Judge due 12/28/12.
The federal copyright infringement non-attorney represented plaintiff, a creative musician, entered a heartfelt, honest kind of stream of consciousness reply in opposition to defendants' motion for summary judgment and took Eliot Bernstein's advice not to use or refer to any of my work, the exhibit evidence we had already brought to the attention of the court already in the docket and never objected to.
Eliot Bernstein's malicious self centered defamation tirade (bugging my client to not work with me), caused my pro se client's opposition and declaration to be objectionable with evidentiary evidence of "sham", heightens the chances defense will win summary judgment (dismissal with prejudice) and places terrible stress on the musician plaintiff, his family, undermines the effectiveness of a related personal injury federal lawsuit filed in another district court same day 12/28/12 (exclusively researched verified case initiation documents and exhibits produced by Roxanne Grinage Legal Assistant HireLyrics Administrative Services); and inflicts severe damages to my business' ability to recoup investment of costs, payment for work product advanced and professional reputation; especially inasmuch as I am demonstrating a prototype of an invention of reform business method which I tout to Department of Justice for funding to help crime victims in each state.
Please don't be discouraged if you have problems calling my 267 number. I am in the process of changing my cell phone to landline services during a physical move. Your fax reply 215.405.2939 or email reply and communications are seen immediately at roxannegrinage@gmail.com and roxannegrinage@yahoo.com.
You are welcome and encouraged to use this correspondence in any way you see fit and I have disclosed here that I am publishing this letter request for your permission on my case study pages at HireLyrics.org. Of course, I will wait for your reply before publishing anything else related to your litigation against Cox and Bernstein.
Roxanne Grinage