Mr. Randazza responded to my request for permission to publicly comment or upload his court stamped filed documents in the Nevada District Court Trademark Federal Lawsuit one line, "You are welcome to use anything that is publicly filed."
Today, as I was checking the docket report in the Federal Trademark Lawsuit Randazza et al vs. Crystal Cox and Eliot Bernstein... I realized that Doc 30 is Defendant Crystal Cox's Response to Randazza Legal Group on behalf of 3 Randazza individual plaintiffs 11/28/12 Complaint whose nature is Trademark and whose causes of action are (1) Violation of Individual Cyberpiracy Protections 15 U.S.C. 8131 and (2) Cybersquatting 15 U.S.C. 1125(d) and (3) Right of Publicity NRS 597.810 and (4) Common Law Right of Publicity and (5) Common Law Right of Intrusion Upon Seclusion and (6) Civil Conspiracy.
Even though I was never served with Crystal Cox counter claim, I think the fact that Nevada District Court was duped by Cox's purported broadcast email Certificate of Service and listed my name along with some 30 very respectable and prestigious businesses and media entities as so-called "counter defendant" parties, actually works in favor of those pro se litigants like myself seeking to bring our own charges against the Scam Blogger already adjudged $2.5M civilly liable/guilty in the Oregon Federal Court Kevin Padrick vs. Obsidian Financial for acquiring domain names of business people posting abusive and defamatory content, trying to sell them her reputation management services $2,500.00 per month to not publish defamatory content or in the case of Eliot Bernstein inventor of Iviewit technologies uses the posting of defamatory content on domains named for Apple Executives Steve Dowling and Bruce Sewell in an effort to strong arm Apple Inc into paying him money he thinks he's owed for patent theft.
On November 9, 2012, Roxanne Grinage demanded Eliot Bernstein and Crystal Cox remove her/my name from any cc on any email or anything which suggests I have anything to do with their extortive technique to demand money by withholding domain names named for real people.
It would seem that two administrative challenges are posed by this learning. Inevitably the nature of fair market entry forced by standard access business practice models and progressive minded creative thinkers will always forge community-powered solutions to any market entry challenge. This market I would say is the market of Responsible Fact-based Journalism. Yes Federal Court dockets are a part of the requisite research but do not rule out witness testimony and verifiability of witness credibility. A HireLyrics Standard Access Practice Model Slogan: "Restore Courage To Journalism....Tell the Truth for the Sake of Truth In Public Record....U.S. Citizens Control The Public Docket Database."
"A new type of Extortion Crime Modus Operandi? Domain Name Defamation Schemes?"
"Is The Credentialed Professional Service Obligated To Protect Confidentiality of the Former Client Who Broadcasts Defamation Tantrum?"
ROXANNE GRINAGE'S WILL ENTER EVIDENCE IN THE FEDERAL TRADEMARK LAWSUIT OPENED AGAINST COX AND BERNSTEIN BY RANDAZZA ET AL IN NEVADA DISTRICT ON 11/28/2012 because Crystal Cox saw fit to include Roxanne Grinage in a list of counter defendants which opens the door for Roxanne Grinage to file her evidence against Cox and Bernstein now.
I believe Eliot Bernstein and Crystal Cox criminal responsibilities with regard to their defamation of me personally and as a business owner inflicted only after I said my individual principals and my standards of community responsibility would simply not tolerate Eliot Bernstein giving anyone the impression that I condoned his money demands made to Apple Executives or any of the other 4,000 people and entities he says are in illegal possession of his Iviewit Technologies patents he says were stolen by some people working at law firm over twelve years ago....Eliot Bernstein's methods for crime solving somehow evolved to become are criminal in nature.
See how Crystal Cox posts on ROXANNEGRINAGE.COM that Roxanne Grinage is responsible for thwarting "negotiations" of what Eliot Bernstein told me and testified to New York Senate Hearings on the Judiciary Committee in 2009, was a $1 Trillion Patent Loss overall - suddenly grown according to Crystal Cox defamation website on ROXANNEGRINAGE.COM to $13 Trillion Settlement Negotiations between Eliot Bernstein for Iviewit and just one of the more than 4,000 defendants Eliot Bernstein claims has his stolen technologies, Apple, Inc. How did we get from Eliot Bernstein and Crystal Cox's November 9 2012 email to Apple Legal Counsel and P.R. Executives Steven Dowling and Bruce Sewell essentially warning them that the defamatory content they are posting on Bernstein and Cox owned stevedowling.com and brucesewell.net "will continue unless you pay us some money" to "Reverend Crystal Cox In Love of Light Savvy Broker Search Engine Reputation Management Services Scammer posting on ROXANNEGRINAGE.COM that [Roxanne Grinage is so powerful as to have interfered with $13 Trillion Settlement Negotiations between Apple Inc and Eliot Bernstein - Actually insulting readership intelligence asking anyone to believe the reason Apple Inc decided not to pay Eliot Bernstein $13 Trillion had nothing to do with him and Cox pushing up on Applie like two hoodrat thugs - No.....Eliot Bernstein and Crystal Cox were unable to get Apple to pay them because of something Roxanne Grinage did which is to say on November 9th 2012 "DON'T PUT MY NAME ON ANY OF BERNSTEIN AND COX'S EXTORTION CRAP and NO MORE FREE WORK ELIOT BERNSTEIN and NO ROXANNE GRINAGE WON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH WITHHOLDING DOMAINS NAMED FOR REAL PEOPLE." Really?
Crystal Cox is running around the country demanding jury trials, selling her domains to Eliot Bernstein to hide her assets from having to pay the $2.5M Obsidian Financial v Cox Defamation Judgment; gives her webhost $85,000 a day liability for her grabbing ROXANNEGRINAGE.COM as Reverend Crystal Cox on November 13, 2012 after sending Roxanne Grinage an email "Declaring War", wastes the court's time and tries to bog down the community of legitimate responsible bloggers journalists and business leaders in non-applicable debates about free speech as she abuses her internet enabled consumer audience reach to perform one predatory act after the next. Crystal Cox and Eliot Bernstein may be motivated by a different reasoning, Eliot Bernstein the cynical jaded gone over to the dark side with the sense of self righteous nous because in his view he has a right to do unto everyone else what he says a law firm did to him 12 years ago - and Crystal Cox is a sad case of needing to be needed - spurned by responsible bloggers and legitimate business people, doing all the grunt work all the postings all the rushed mistake riddled filings, all the lunatic declaration of war - literally the junk yard dog for Eliot Bernstein who was Defaulted in the Docket because his arrogance wouldn't allow him to answer summons, while Crystal Cox stupidity had her spread thin trying to appeal and duck and dodge the $2.5 Million Defamation Judgment in Oregon while she calls out prestigious accomplished legitimate business leaders and motions to recuse the federal judge demanding everyone sign a conflict of interest which is Eliot Bernstein's little catch 22 tool he uses to stop fair adjudication, abuse courts and waste taxpayer money because he and Crystal Cox figure if you just keep naming defendants, five thousand Business Leaders, Law Firms, Bankers, Insurers, Brokers, Litigators, Prosecutors and Academicians who would pick up the phone and make referral to State and Federal Prosecutors to lock up Crystal Cox and Eliot Bernstein would have to self recuse because they would be bound to have a conflict which in Eliot Bernstein and Crystal Cox Conflict of Interest Disclosures they Demanded Nevada Trademark Federal Judge and court practitioners to sign don't just want to rule out "did you ever represent this person or entity" they want you to not have an opinion about right and wrong and overlook application of state and federal laws if you know the person, went to school with the person, your sister's ex boyfriend's niece ever met them at a fundraiser. You understand.
I'm working on a problem I'm having uploading documents but will have the exhibit evidence I will refer to and enter myself uploaded here soon. Of course I will only post the Court's stamped filed or return correspondence to my requests to enter appearance of Roxanne Grinage, Sworn Affidavit Declaration of Roxanne Grinage in the Nevada District Court Federal Trademark Lawsuit; and hope to file a separate complaint putting Eliot Bernstein name first as defendant so he stops enjoying the shield of his not so bright junk yard dog, Crystal Cox who looks like she is being efficiently dispatched with Orders in favor of Plaintiffs Randazza an accomplished 1st amendment lawyer in his own right.
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