05/08/2010. Authorized by Roxanne Grinage publicly posted to HireLyrics Administrative Services demonstration of a U.S. Economy enriching administrative solutions tool designed to measure individual accountability, work ethic synergy and intent, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database; and so all kidnap for profit injured children of all ages will know the truth for the sake of truth in public record and for healing a nationwide Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Education and Public Safety Emergency. Edits were made before web publishing to protect email addresses from spam and insert comments directed to Ezekiel Zadkiel Leach Wright Brown and Arriyel Roxanne Brown so my grandchildren and everyone who comes in contact with them will know the truth about Ezekiel and Arriyel's Grinage Family heritage health and future.
E-File May Rock But Not For Philadelphia Family Court People Eating Machine. By Roxanne Grinage
Re: 05/07/12 Telephone calls to Family Court Clerk are unreliable for Court of Recordkeeping - Respectfully may we have a written response from Honorable Kevin M. Dougherty and/or Chief Deputy Court Administrator? Re: 05/06/12 Attached Efile Draft Error Case 0C0705124 opened 07/09/09, Roxanne Grinage William Brounson and Lorraine Grinage vs Erick Lee Brown and 04/30/12 Petition of Saundra O. Sullivan prepared by clerk of court for Saundra O. Sullivan "CANNOT BE FOUND!"
Respectfully, we don't need legal advice. We need to learn how to get our evidence into Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Philadelphia Family Division Case I.D. 0C0705124 without legal malpractice or other corruption obstruction. Thank you. |
On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 11:49 AM, EFSupport <@courts.phila.gov> wrote:
Civil Electronic Filing Unit
Office of the Prothonotary
Room 280
From: Roxanne Grinage [mailto: @gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 11:41 AM
To: Dougherty, Kevin M.; Mapp, Charles A. (Chief Dep. Ct. Admin.)
Cc: EFSupport
Subject: 05/07/12 Telephone calls to Family Court Clerk are unreliable for Court of Recordkeeping - Respectfully may we have a written response from Honorable Kevin M. Dougherty and/or Chief Deputy Court Administrator? Re: 05/06/12 Attached Efile Draft Error.
Dear Civil Electronic Filing Unit, Thank you for your response.
Due to the long term legal malpractice, personal injuries and nepotism corruption we have evidence in support of, Grinage Family respectfully requests all communications with the Family Court Clerk be in writing.
04/30/12 Phila CCP Family Division Case ID 0C0705124 Petitioner, Saundra O. Sullivan is not only a Federal Fraud and Public Mob Assault Fugitive and Bigamist with Erick L. Brown, but also is so well connected with City of Philadelphia employees that she and her family Sullivan/Kearney/Autry have used their numerous friends and relatives working inside City of Philadelphia Courts, District Attorney's Office Private Criminal Complaint Unit and Department of Human Services to generate court forms and obstruct our filings which we always discover the Family Court Clerk claims to have no knowledge of.
Also, we have observed upon hand delivering our filings that Family Court Clerk Mark Alleva would deny stamping our hand delivered filings received; would make us wait until he went back to his office, we watched as he called now recused Judge Robert J. Matthews and read to Judge Matthews our filings. The result was that our December 18, 2010, March 2, 2010, March 26, 2010, March 27, 2010, June 14, 2010 filings were all "stamped filed" by Family Court Clerk but never entered into the Court's Record. Now rescued Judge Robert J. Matthews is even observed declaring in open court to Lorraine Grinage that he threw Grinage Family filings in the trash.
Due to the extreme corruption/legal malpractice that has occurred in Case ID 0C0705124 we very respectfully request Honorable Kevin M. Dougherty or Chief Deputy Court Administrator to provide written responses as to
(1) whether Administrative Judge Kevin M. Dougherty even knows his name is typed on the 04/30/12 Order for a Custody Master's Conference on August 9 2012 in re Saundra O. Sullivan's 04/30/12 Petition To Modify Custody of Lorraine Grinage's children Ezekiel or Arriyel Brown and
(2) if Judge Kevin M. Dougherty has entered such an Order, we need the answers to How we can record into Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas, a Court of Record
(3) Petition for Contempt of Custody and Referral to Parental Abduction Act Federal Fugitive Task Force; and
(4) Motion For a Protracted Custody Hearing before Administrative Judge Kevin M. Dougherty on or after August 9, 2012; and
(5) Motion Change of Venue or Referral District Attorney Open New Matter CCP Criminal Trial Division, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v Erick L Brown and Saundra O Sullivan: Criminal Child Abuse; Public Mob Assault; Child Abduction during temporary custody proceedings; Identity Theft, Insurance Fraud, Perjury, Bigamy, Car Theft, etc, and
(6) Please provide a written response as whether I can prepare the court's website Subpoena Forms and send to the Clerk certified mail return receipt requesting Family Court Clerk certification and seal, Witness and Records Subpoenas to enable Lorraine Grinage to Subpoena: Erick L. Brown, Roxanne Grinage, William Brounson, District Attorney R. Seth Williams, Fern Brown Caplan, Esquire, Timothy E. Possenti, Esquire, Municipal Court Judge Marvin L. Williams; 2nd District Philadelphia Police Officers; 2 U.S. Marshals; 3 witnesses who were mutual friends of Erick Brown and Roxanne Grinage in 12 step recovery fellowship groups; 3 witnesses to the Public Mob Assault performed 45 minutes after service of Honorable Kevin M. Dougherty's Rule To Show Cause Hearing; and 3 Expert Witnesses one whose report verifies Saundra O. Sullivan and her family's sexual abuse and beatings of Ezekiel and Arriyel January and February 2010 just before we filed March 2, 2010 filing destroyed by Clerk of Court Mark Alleva and now recused Judge Robert J. Matthews and moved to try and protect the children from further abuse which has on December 21, 2011 been confirmed to have irreparably parent alienation injured Lorraine Grinage's children, Ezekiel and Arriyel. We will also subpoena records of District Attorney Private Criminal Complaint from February 2010 through and after 06/08/10 Public Mob Assault and we will subpoena the reviewed copied records of City of Philadelphia DHS. We will also present our defenses to any claims against us as we have spent the last two years gathering evidence (Georgia Superior Court Clerk certified Divorce Affidavit of Erick L. Brown, Dougherty County Clerk of Court's Albany Herald Legal Notice; Child Abuse Clearance Forms for Roxanne Grinage and Lorraine Grinage, IRS Self Employment Schedule C Expenses Grinage Family Private Investigation Rescue 06/08/10 Mob Assault Abducted Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown; IRS Forms 4939-A, IRS Form 8332, FTC Affidavits of Identity Theft, Correspondence, Certified Notices, Federal Crime Victim Witness proofs etc).
(7) If Judge Kevin M. Dougherty really did approve Federal Fraud Mob Assault Bigamist Child Abuser Saundra O. Sullivan's petition for custody of Lorraine Grinage's children without conferring with U.S. Department of Justice Attorney Zane David Memeger, U.S.D.C. Judge Mitchell S. Goldberg or U.S. Marshals, in possession of 11/09/10 Dept of Justice hand delivered Google Satellite; Fraud Report document evidence and U.S. Marshal's Returned Proof of Service filed into U.S. District Court case, Pennsylvania Eastern District 210-cv-00179-MSG, 06/18/10 Filing of Lorraine Grinage v. Saundra O. Sullivan and Erick L Brown, 12/13/09 Aggravated Assaults on Minors while in the Commission of Perjury Bigamy Fraud on City of Philadelphia Courts and DHS, Insurance, Fraud, Car Theft and Public Mob Assault Child Abduction during temporary custody proceedings in violation of Parental Abduction Act...then
Lorraine Grinage records for history and so that Ezekiel and Arriyel will know who they are one day and how hard their real family fought for them in spite of their abusers Saundra O Sullivan, her relatives and their father, Erick L. Brown using their friends and family employed by City of Philadelphia and Philadelphia courts to censor cover up, home invasion and public mob assault with baseball bats and guns, Erick Brown traveling to Georgia to get fraudulent divorce, while your mother Ezekiel and Arriyel was here in Philadelphia showing up in court where a corrupt judge Robert J. Matthews was in the pocket of your dad's defense lawyer Timothy Possenti and an lawyer who made so-called custody master decisions based on a bribe demanded from your father; and your mother, Lorraine Grinage dedicated "Battle Cry America Is Coming For Our Children" a spoken word rendition that galvanized other children victimized by the corruption in Philadelphia family court, to start a New Civil Rights Movement, Families Fight Back, say NO MORE DHS Demonic Horror Stories. Your real mother, real grandmother and real grandfather, have left time capsule messages for you and everyone who comes in contact with to know the truth that you are dearly loved see of Grinage Family heritage and future, kidnapped against your real family's will. Ezekiel and Arriyel, search your names, search Roxanne Grinage, Lorraine Grinage, search HireLyrics, U.S. Citizens Public Docket, WhatIsThereLeftToDo, Youtube and CNN ireport videos, Blog Talk and other internet radio, Live Journal blogs and you will see how your mother Lorraine Carlett Grinage, making pleas for federal law enforcement intervention, filed federal lawsuits, and never ever stopped telling the truth about who you really are. Grinage Family prays while working tirelessly so that you, Ezekiel and Arriyel, that will make your way home one day.
Lorraine Grinage will assuredly enter within 15 days, Response and Notice of Personal Appearance on August 9, 2012 or any other date Saundra O. Sullivan's ties with corruption in Philadelphia Courts manipulates, with subpoenaed witnesses and records.
Ezekiel and Arriyel will know Grinage Family entered Petition for Contempt, Referral to Federal Fugitive Task Force, and Motioned for a Protracted Custody Hearing before Philadelphia Court Administrative Judge Kevin M. Dougherty, whose name is used to legitimize the criminal acts of Federal Fraud Mob Assault Child Abuser Fugitives Saundra O. Sullivan and Erick L. Brown on Saundra O. Sullivan's 04/30/12 Petition prepared by a Philadelphia Court employee for Saundra O. Sullivan.
I hope to write an open letter addressed to Honorable Kevin M. Dougherty, Pennsylvania Attorney General and the Pennsylvania Attorney General Candidates to report a challenge for lawmakers, law enforcement and judicial authorities - a need to address the public safety emergency posed by criminally behaving people who abuse Philadelphia Courts to endorse and cover up legal malpractice official corruption fraud civil rights crimes caused by personal injuries on families and businesses. Court reform and restoration of our public safety is not going to be served until pro se litigants are not at the mercy of what was said or not said during a telephone conversation. Rather, pro se litigants in Family Court matters deserve the same access to uncensored un-obstructed filing methods that ensure our claims, responses, evidence, motions and petitions are viewed by a responsible Judicial Authority whose name wields so much weight in impacting the fate of families.
I have pasted links herein to our previous filings that were obstructed or otherwise destroyed by Mark Alleva and now rescued Judge Robert J. Matthews.
If Honorable Kevin M. Dougherty did in fact Order this We will definitely Comply with the Order. However, we have a right to due process as it was said in First Judicial District sponsored class on efiling, Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas is a Court of Record. I would also like to be able to learn the proper way for getting 16 Clerk of Court signed certified sealed Subpoenas for Witnesses Appearance and Production of Records and Things so Lorraine Grinage can Record Proof of Service by e-filing in time for Judge Kevin M. Dougherty's 04/30/12 Order of the Court: (Scanned along with the efile screen view "Entered case was not found!" and attached PDF to this email message).
Dated 04/30/12. Judge Kevin Dougherty's name is typed - not signed or stamped.
"The children, Ezekiel Z. Brown and Arriyel R. Brown
You are Ordered to appear in person on 09-AUG-12 at 10:30 A.M. before
CASE NO. 0C0705124
Thank you very much for reading.
Roxanne Grinage
HireLyrics Administrative Services
U.S. Citizens Public Docket Database
PO Box 22225
Philadelphia Pa 19136
Tel 267-444-0594 Fax 215-405-2939
email: roxannegrinage@gmail.com
On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 9:22 AM, EFSupport <@courts.phila.gov> wrote:
As far as I’m aware, you still have to bring your Family Court custody filings in paper. Please call the Family Court and ask them for their procedure.
Civil Electronic Filing Unit
Office of the Prothonotary
Room 280
From: Roxanne Grinage [mailto:@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2012 6:52 PM
To: EFSupport; Mapp, Charles A. (Chief Dep. Ct. Admin.)
Cc: lorrainegrinage@gmail.com
Subject: 05/06/12 Attached Efile Draft Error 3 year old open case "Entered Case was not found" - How to e-file timely Responses Motions Subpoenas in Existing Phila CCP Civil Case I.D. 0C075124 Judge Kevin M. Dougherty's 04/30/12 Order of the Court attached.
Dear Court Administrator/Prothonotary,
Thank you offering the class on efiling to both attorney and non attorney efilers.
I remember seeing on the presentation screens a Main Menu view that included "My Family Court Cases." I opened Phila CCP Family Division Case I.D. 0C0705124 by filing Custody Complaint 07/20/2009. "Roxanne Grinage William Brounson and Lorraine Grinage vs. Erick L. Brown.
I am doing something wrong after logging in with my efiler user name password and pin, I can't see the main menu view I think I remember seeing during the class on efiling. I remember seeing on the presentation boards during the class on efiling a choice in the main menu "My Family Court Cases."
I am not seeing a way for Lorraine Grinage to file responses in a 3 years open ongoing temporary custody proceeding Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Philadelphia County Family Court Division Case I.D. 0C0705124.
Please help me learn how to e-file into an EXISTING FAMILY COURT CASE, so we don't lose the opportunity to answer timely and comprehensively a 04/30/12 Petition to Modify Custody of Saundra O. Sullivan v Lorraine C. Grinage.
I would also like to be able to learn the proper way for getting 16 Clerk of Court signed certified sealed Subpoenas for Witnesses Appearance and Production of Records and Things so Lorraine Grinage can Record Proof of Service by e-filing in time for Judge Kevin M. Dougherty's 04/30/12 Order of the Court: (Scanned along with the efile screen view"Entered case was not found!" and attached PDF to this email message).
04/30/12 Philadelphia Family Court has allowed a Federal and City of Philadelphia Fraud Mob Assault Child Abductor/Abuser Bigamist Fugitive, Saundra O. Sullivan to enter Petition seeking custody of Lorraine C. Grinage's children, Saundra O. Sullivan abducted during a public mob assault with baseball bats and guns with Erick Brown Diane Kearney and three of Saundra Sullivan's relatives on 06/08/10 45 minutes after Lorraine C. Grinage served the fugitives with Judge Kevin M. Dougherty's Order Rule To Show Cause on Lorraine Grinage v Erick L. Brown May 26, 2012 Petition Contempt and Lorraine Grinage Roxanne Grinage and William Brounson' Emergency Petition for Relief.
"Respondent has been sued in court to obtain custody of the children
Ezekiel Z. Brown Arriyel R. Brown
You are Ordered to appear in person on 09-AUG-12 at 10:30 A.M. before
CASE NO. 0C0705124
The Family Court Case I.D. 0C0705124 has been open in a state of temporary custody proceedings all this time since the June 8, 2010 Order Rule to Show Cause of Judge Kevin M. Dougherty and Honorable Holly Ford's June 23, 2010 Temporary Custody Order.
Lorraine Grinage was unable to file Petitions for Contempt for Erick Brown's contempt of the visitation and shared legal custody in Judge Matthews' March 9th Order or Marvin L. Williams June 17th recommendations to Judge Holly Ford's June 23rd 2010 Order because, Erick Brown and his girlfriend Saundra O. Sullivan performed a Public Mob Assault Abduction of Lorraine Grinage's children 45 minutes after being served with Honorable Kevin M. Doughterty's June 8, 2012 Rule To Show Cause Hearing. President Judge Marsha Neifield referred Willie Brownson v Erick Brown aggravated assaults to District Attorney's office on July 12, 201 because Erick Brown and Saundra O Sullivan moved to evade service of Lorraine's Federal Court Complaint summons (U.S.D.C. PaED 210-cv-00179-MSG, Lorraine Grinage v Saundra O. Sullivan, 12/13/2009 aggravated assaults on minors while in the commission of several fraud theft bigamy and perjury crimes).
Even though Saundra O. Sullivan is a Federal Fraud Fugitive and Erick Brown a municipal mob assault fugitive, Saundra O. Sullivan has petitioned on 04/30/12 in Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Case I.D. 0C0705124 asking Philadelphia Courts to give her custody of Lorraine Grinage's children who Grinage Family Investigations, witnesses and evidence prove her abuse has irreparably injured Ezekiel Z. Brown and Arriyel R. Brown.
While of course I am going to write Honorable Mitchell S. Goldberg and Honorable Kevin M. Dougherty and alert Attorney General Zane David Memeger and President Judge Marsha Neifield that this mob assault child abductor Federal Fraud fugitive has the audacity to ask Philadelphia Courts to endorse her injuries of Lorraine Grinage's children by continues to commit fraud on Philadelphia Courts (including Orphan's court where Erick Brown and Saundra Sullivan applied for a license and recorded a bigamist wedding)
I would like to benefit from the opportunities to finally get our evidence uncensored and properly redacted into the Court of Record that Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas is by efiling our documents attachments exhibits affidavits, supporting evidence and descriptions of media sent certified mail to clerk of court for discussion/inclusion in Lorraine Grinage's Responses, Petitions for Witnesses and Records Subpoenas (Motion for Protracted Custody Hearing), Petition for Contempt of Custody, and find out if there are efiling options/forms for recording into the Court's Record our evidence for requesting change of venue District Attorney open new matter in Court of Common Pleas Criminal Division.
I have attached the scanned envelope, 4/30/12 Order of the Court and Saundra Sullivan's petition which references an outdated temporary custody that we were complaining about Erick Brown being in contempt of the shared legal custody and visitations Order of March 9, 2010 of Judge Robert J. Matthews. Judge Kevin Dougherty Ordered Rule To Show Cause on June 8, Judge Marvin L Williams made recommendations to Holly Ford or entered last Temporary Order on June 23, 2010. This case has been open but inactive because we couldn't locate Erick Brown and Saundra O. Sullivan because they are mob assault and federal fraud fugitives, until Saundra O. Sullivan walked into Family Court Clerk's office on 04/30/12 and signed in her own hand non attorney represented and Clerk of Court indicating *confidential* address the Petition asking Philadelphia Family Court to give her the children she has abused trauma and parent alienation injured for 2 years. We have evidence that will be properly redacted for e-filing compliance.
Below is a link to Lorraine's Federal Case against Saundra Sullivan dated 06/18/2010 showing Honorable Mitchell S. Goldberg and District Attorney R. Seth Williams and Judge Kevin M. Dougherty and Mayor Michael Nutter the proof of Saundra's mob assault on June 8, 2010 and all of her insurance fraud criminal child abuse auto accident schemes shown to District Attorney R. Seth Williams several times since February 2010 through and after the 06/08/10 public mob assault.
Please help me learn how to e-file into a Family Court matter, so we don't lose the opportunity to answer timely and comprehensively. Thank you very much.
06/18/2010. U.S.D.C. PaED 2:10cv00179-MSG COS Copy Filed Today: PLAINTIFF LORRAINE GRINAGES COMPLIANCE WITH HONORABLE MITCHELL S. GOLDBERGS ORDER OF MAY 10, 2010 SUBMITS PHOTO VIDEO AND WITNESS EVIDENCE DEFENDANT SAUNDRA O. SULLIVAN HAS LIED TO U.S. MARSHAL TO EVADE SERVICE OF SUMMONS AND RESIDES AT 972 ANCHOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19124 WHERE SHE WAS PRESENT ON JUNE 8, 2010 AT 6:30 P.M. 45 MINUTES BEFORE SAUNDRA O. SULLIVAN PARTICIPATED IN SIX MEMBER FLASH MOB WITH GUNS AND BASEBALL BATS ATTEMPTED HOME INVASION AND INFLICTED AGGRAVATED ASSAULTS OF LORRAINE GRINAGE, ROXANNE GRINAGE AND WILLIE BROWNSON ENDANGERING LORRAINE GRINAGES CHILDREN TRANSPORTED AND LEFT UNATTENDED IN SAUNDRA SULLIVANS WHITE BRONCO IN THE MIDDLE OF FLASH MOB VIOLENCE. Friday, June 18, 2010 8:04 PM From: "Roxanne Grinage" <roxannegrinage@yahoo.com> To: MarvinWilliams@pacses.com,kevin.dougherty@courts.phila.gov, "President Judge Dembe CCP Philadelphia" <hr@courts.phila.gov>, "President Judge Marsha Neifield" <Marsha.Neifield@courts.phila.gov>, "Court of Judicial Discipline Harrisburg Pennsylvania" <Wanda.sweigart@pacourts.us>, "Philadelphia District Attorney" <DA.WebMail@phila.gov>, "Child Abuse Registry Director Harriet Dichter" <HDichter@state.pa.us>, "Mayor Nutter Address 1" <Michael.Nutter@phila.gov>, "Mayor Nutter Address 2" <Mayor.Nutter@phila.gov>, governor@state.pa.us, John.D.Christmas@phila.gov, "Anne Ambrose DHS" <AnneMarie.Ambrose@phila.gov>, "Supreme Court Rules Evidence Committee" <appellaterules@pacourts.us> Cc: "Daily News Reporter Janice Brown DHS Story" <farrs@phillynews.com>, "Daily News Reporter Sparkle Ballard DHS Story" <difilid@phillynews.com>, 2020@abc.com, 48hours@cbsnews.com, 60m@cbsnews.com, "USDOJ Michael Levy Philadelphia" <AskDOJ@usdoj.gov>, fair@fair.org, "FBI Philadelphia Complaints" <Philadelphia.complaints@ic.fbi.gov>, foxreport@foxnews.com, Hannity@foxnews.com, hardball@msnbc.com June 18, 2010 HAND DELIVERED Michael E. Kunz, Clerk of Court United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 601 Market Street, Room 2609 Philadelphia, PA 19106-1797 Re: 2:10-cv-00179-MSG Please find hand delivered for filing in above docket, (1) PLAINTIFF LORRAINE GRINAGES COMPLIANCE WITH HONORABLE MITCHELL S. GOLDBERGS ORDER OF MAY 10, 2010 SUBMITS PHOTO VIDEO AND WITNESS EVIDENCE DEFENDANT SAUNDRA O. SULLIVAN HAS LIED TO U.S. MARSHAL TO EVADE SERVICE OF SUMMONS AND RESIDES AT 972 ANCHOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19124 WHERE SHE WAS PRESENT ON JUNE 8, 2010 AT 6:30 P.M. 45 MINUTES BEFORE SAUNDRA O. SULLIVAN PARTICIPATED IN SIX MEMBER FLASH MOB WITH GUNS AND BASEBALL BATS ATTEMPTED HOME INVASION AND INFLICTED AGGRAVATED ASSAULTS OF LORRAINE GRINAGE, ROXANNE GRINAGE AND WILLIE BROWNSON ENDANGERING LORRAINE GRINAGES CHILDREN TRANSPORTED AND LEFT UNATTENDED IN SAUNDRA SULLIVANS WHITE BRONCO IN THE MIDDLE OF FLASH MOB VIOLENCE with (2) Certificate of Service, (3) Exhibit A, (4) Notice of Change of Address and (5) Respectful request Clerk of Court correct spelling of minor Plaintiffs middle name Ezekiel Zadkiel Brown and do not file Plaintiffs Compliance as an amended complaint.Thank you, Roxanne Grinage click on this text or if link doesn't work copy and past this url into your browser. http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0BwkY4FQWX-6pMTliNWMzZDYtYjM5YS00NWFjLWFkMDAtOTAwODcxODhhNGI2&hl=en
I think it's a lot more efficient to eFile court cases, seeing as how we are in the 21st century...