Posted April 7, 2012 5:45 PM EST. DMCA Copyright owned and rigorously counterclaimed willing to accept service in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Services U.S. Citizens Public Docket Database, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia Pa 19136. Telephone (267) 444-0594.
When a Judicial Corruption Activist Character Assassinates His Peers It Is a Tragic Event.
Tragedy In Bill Windsor’s Defamation Hate Campaign To Avoid Accountability Questions
By: Roxanne Grinage
The reason I have to write this journal entry is not to warn anyone or defend myself.
The reason correspondence between William M. Windsor of LawlessAmerica.com and LawlessAmerica The Movie and Roxanne Grinage of HireLyrics Administrative Services and U.S. Citizens Public Docket Database, is posted publicly for the world to see is so good-willed people working in this “New Civil Rights Movement…Families Fight Back…say NO MORE DHS Demonic Horror Stories,” may learn the same lesson every other person who lived throughout human history during times of change had to learn:
“The answers are never transferrable to a person. People are fallible. People have free will and at any time are capable of serving any of many masters or worse yet – their own agenda.”
-Roxanne Grinage Copyright April 7, 2012.
“Federal Crime Victim Voter Statement: If one of us should fall…or ten of us should fall…or a hundred of us should fall…WE WILL HAVE a community-needs powered personality independent MECHANISM in place which will AUTOMATICALLY trigger the rescue of children of all ages kidnap for profit injured by official corruption fraud civil rights crimes.”
-Roxanne Grinage Copyright January 23, 2011.
Bill Windsor calls himself Corruption Activist, Paralegal, Grand Jury Consultant and Candidate for Chief Magistrate Judge in Cobb County, Georgia. Bill Windsor is a charismatic well spoken technically savvy community leader having built in his own right a constituency of corruption in government victims that are proud to drop his name as “friend”.
When a judicial corruption activist who is a vessel to influence people lies and character assassinates his peers, other community leaders having earned constituency respect in our own right…. it is a tragic event capable of turning the tide of government and education reform from joy-filled victory to dismal defeat.
Note the lawlessamerica.com website headline, “Bill Windsor announces his candidacy for U.S. Congress from Georgia’s Sixth Congressional District.” Really? What kind of representative will Bill Windsor be if he is as unapproachable about accountability issues as the judges he claims are so corrupt? Does Bill Windsor think a full blown hissy fit is going to relieve him of answering fiscal accountability questions?
See Bill Windsor’s website defamation of Roxanne Grinage, Paul Andrew Mitchell and Luis Ewing, where he reveals his true character unfit for holding any magisterial, congressional representative, or other public office, “This is a dictatorship and I make the rules.”
If Bill Windsor wants to hold public office, he will have to learn that even if he is independently wealthy and paying for all his media productions himself, he has to publicly disclose financials.
When Bill Windsor began asking Roxanne Grinage and her clients, collaborators and prospective clients to be in his Lawless America The Movie Project Roxanne Grinage posed several questions to Bill Windsor appropriate for any manager or performance or work product contribution to ask about: fair recognition, fair compensation, revenue share, fiscal responsibility, written release terms, security of data he was gathering on each participant, etc.
Bill Windsor responded to accountability questions with rage, as though the people he was soliciting work product contribution and extremely sensitive information from, had no right to ask him about who was paying for the production of the movie, why was Bill Windsor asking for sensitive information about people’s employers claiming he needed the information to contact them and how was Bill Windsor going to account for the security of the sensitive data he was gathering which included people’s family members names and locations?
Bill Windsor reared up just like a plantation slave owner when Roxanne Grinage responded to the many calls and emails I was getting from my clients, friends and prospective clients saying that Bill Windsor is using your name to contact me saying you said to be in his movie, who is this guy and what do you think about being in his movie?
So I issued on March 20, 2012, to Bill Windsor and the email list of HireLyrics constituency members asking for my opinion, a “HireLyrics Official Policy Statement Regarding Bill Windsor Solicited Work Product Contributions without Written Release Terms.” See correspondence linked within.
In addition to vulgar written comments, Bill Windsor proceeded to block us from his lawlessamerica.com website where he published a hate campaign which denied having anything to do with Roxanne Grinage in spite of email correspondence initiated by Bill Windsor January 29, 2012 asking for my help with Citizens Community Zoned Signature Gathering Campaigns, which I gave him and which Bill Windsor returned written “Wow! Thanks SO MUCH!!!!! I look forward to the video, but I will now incorporate all of this in Phase 2.” (see accurately posted correspondence linked).
Bill Windsor condemns by defamation Roxanne Grinage, a professional legal administrative assistant who has lifetime career experience rendering consultant administrative support to individuals, large, mid-size and sole practitioner law firms, investment banking firms, publishing and advertising firms, lyricists, artists, performers, business start-ups, organizations and community events ─ certified expert in nine areas of administrative practice and a commercial vendor licensed custom design promotional items distributor.
As much as it pains William H. Windsor, in the real world professionals of all professions do get paid and have an obligation to obtain state, federal and departments of taxation and revenue compliant authorizations and employment agreements which cause both service and client to be accountable to each other and the professional to be accountable to the states and Federal venues wherein our services are rendered – professionally.
Bill Windsor is adamant that no one but Bill Windsor’s services are worthwhile. He claims he wants to clean up corruption but can’t seem to start at square one ─ Accountability.
William H. Windsor’s resistance to accounting to those people whose contribution he would consume and disseminate could explain why he can’t seem to see how onerous it is to issue ultimatums demanding people turn over their life experience work product and personal information to Bill Windsor without compensation or even explanation as to how their testimonials will be marketed, secured or exposed.
All the plantation slave owner came up out of Bill Windsor when I asked him in writing to account for where the money is coming from for his film radio TV and movie productions, not to mention a fifty states road trip. Bill, will your production team also drive to Hawaii and Alaska?
Why doesn’t Bill Windsor think he should be held accountable to answer in written release terms and conditions to the contributors of a revenue generating project of this size, especially since he is a chief magisterial judge and congressional representative candidate?
Bill Windsor’s website rendition spewed one false hate-filled statement after the next about Roxanne Grinage, Paul Andrew Mitchell and Luis Ewing degrading the unique value of each of our contributions, meshing all of us together as though there is no distinction in our varying professions, expertise and competencies. Bill Windsor cloaked his out of context character assassination libel in the phrase “in my opinion”, as though saying “in my opinion” over and over again is going to protect him from a defamation lawsuit or more likely a Georgia Bureau of Investigation, Internal Revenue Service Audit.
William Windsor revealed himself to be an undercover racist when he showed a film during one of his livestream broadcasts where the African American Assistant District Attorney was asking him nicely to leave the building and while Bill Windsor was not rude and had every right to be in a public building, Bill Windsor smashed any hope of rallying behind him when he said, “I am a white CEO. Now if they do that to a white CEO imagine how they treat the regular people?”
I typed into Windsor’s livestream chat box, “HireLyrics has verified the claims of 2,000 federal crime victims whose measured characteristics confirm this is a human issue – no profession race religion gender or heritage is exempt from the veracious kidnap for profit agendas of official corruption fraud and civil rights violations.”
Perhaps the judges and district attorney who banned William Windsor from the third floor of a the courthouse will be able to vindicate themselves now that Bill Windsor has singlehandedly destroyed his own credibility by outright lying over and over again to cover up something that his fellow community leader peers in other states didn’t even care about until Bill Windsor started threatening us issuing ultimatums and undermining our leadership of our own hard-earned constituencies’.
Note Bill Windsor’s 04/05/12 website news headline, “Lawless America Website was Hacked, but it’s Back in Business exposing Government Corruption and Judicial Corruption: “The LawlessAmerica.com website was hacked. It was hacked at 1:30 am on March 29, 2012. It took until April 5, 2012 at 3:30 pm to repair the website.” This is the type of data security breach I, Roxanne Grinage, sought answers from Bill Windsor. How in the world is he going to protect 630 people who give him their employer and families’ personal information details from retaliation, identity theft and job loss in the event Bill Windsor cannot vouch for the security of the data he gathers?
Note Bill Windsor; technically savvy “Pro Se Help – Organization is Vital,” a strong pull for the pool of corruption in government victims Bill Windsor seems to have targeted for consumption of non recognized non compensated work product contribution. His website headline: “The Movie will interview over 630 victims of government corruption and judicial corruption. Bill Windsor’s website boasts extremely poignant advice to assist pro se litigants while his understandable but still money making enterprise films, radio, movies, main stream media enterprises are prevalent throughout.
Roxanne Grinage is a twenty-five years experienced legal administrative assistant, executive assistant, human resources assistant and document production specialist whose companies HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens Public Docket Database, Birth Wright Doll Collection Mother Daughter Tea Tour, VersatilEasy Recovery Print are twelve years demonstrated marketing careers label stores practice models, Pennsylvania Minority Women Business Enterprise expertly certified in nine areas of administrative practice including evidence gathering depositions and expert witness testimony, careers consulting, employee assistance programs, employee development consulting, employment generating activities, tax advisory services, and image consulting.
William M. Windsor is a judicial corruption activist, paralegal, grand jury consultant, candidate for chief magistrate judge in Cobb County, Georgia and congressional representative candidate who is nothing more than the same old traditionally evolved corruption-poisoned hurdle American working class student and impoverished families and business owners are trying to clear as we move toward better quality of life for Americans and human kind.
Enclosed links
03/24/12 Bill Windsor Lawless America Angry re HireLyrics Official Policy Statement Making Movie Project Contributors no release terms - 03/24/12, See bottom pages 10 and 11 for Bill Windsor of Lawless America's, 03/24/2012 responses which angrily refer to Roxanne Grinage's cautions about soliciting movie project contribution absent written release terms/contract and gathering sensitive personal information without written accountability within any contract or marketing distribution, revenue, royalties residual shares for work product contributors financially devastated as a results of official corruption fraud civil rights crimes, as "Garbage." 03/20/12 HireLyrics Official Policy Statement with regard to Work Product Contributions Solicited by Bill Windsor Lawless America Movie Project, absent Written Release Terms/Contract.pdf https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B-34Z89xij26Qnp0VVFGNWpTUmFJcjF3dnA4Zl9CUQ
04/06/12 20 pages printed scanned Bill Windsor Lawless America Website. Bill Windsor gives Pro Se Litigants Advice New Headlines Lawless America Movie will be Huge - Bill Windsor’s website defamation of Roxanne Grinage, Paul Andrew Mitchell and Luis Ewing, where William H. Windsor reveals his true character adverse to holding any magisterial, congressional representative, or other public office: “This is a dictatorship and I make the rules.”.pdf https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B-34Z89xij26WHZhaHNvazFSZHlXNTM3bHZCUVc1QQ
04/02/12 43min. Audio of 2,003rd Federal Crime Victim Gary R. Richardson Inmate No. 768065K4113U Santa Rosa County Jail, Milton, Florida presented on 04/02/12 by and through his fiancé Dorothy Johnson claims intake assessment performed by Roxanne Grinage in my role as front desk legal secretary sitting in the virtual reception area of a twelve year demonstrated standard access mechanism where anyone may present claims to work product contribution regardless of who you know or what you have, utilizing free and low cost collaborative powers of internet technologies to share learning and refer fairly those previously un-accommodated creators of work products and holders of verified claims fairly into marketing careers brand recognition ecommerce and litigation referral.mp3 https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B-34Z89xij26b1F0eS15YzRTd2EyWWRJQlBlRENSdw
04/06/12 30min. Audio of Roxanne Grinage’s conversation with Michael Nazario (U.S.D.C. MN Nazario v Quaintance et al), discussing the financial and litigation plan challenges faced by pro se litigants competing in RICO legal malpractice personal injuries federal lawsuits while the pro se litigant and his legal secretary feverishly seek contingent retainer of qualified attorneys to comply with local rules of Civil Motions Practice (memorandum of law) and unity of purpose class action law firms to certify class claims in the same jurisdiction – being very careful to stress the claimant and his administrative assistant will abide by any confidentiality publish or non-publish cautions counsel may give. Also talked about is the purpose of pro se claimants using professional document production and proprietary research services is so that not only can claims be opened complaint with Federal and Local Rules of Procedure but that no nonsense district court practicing attorneys, law school students and MBAs can see and gauge litigant customer service needs and develop their law practices to accommodate a larger number of claimants who were previously unavailable to qualified law firms to large to be reached by the financially devastated class action claimant. https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B-34Z89xij26elRNSXZyTmVSWjJUYTYydzFPNFY2dw
March 20, 2012, Correspondence from Roxanne Grinage To William Windsor
Two Way Accountability * Work Ethic * Synergy * Intent
HireLyrics standard access practice model schematics Marketing Careers Label Stores for the previously un-measured un-accommodated Worldwide Population of Disadvantaged Creators© of Original Creative Work Products developed and demonstrated since June 23, 2000. Free Download Re-posted 10/20/11 Build This! Roxanne Grinage 11 years Prototype Demonstrated Standard Access Practice Model Schematics Reported at Fifth Anniversary 2005 birthed Administrative Solutions Tool U.S. Citizens controlled Public Docket Database Corruption in Government Clean Up Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Education Reform Public Safety Emergency.pdf https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B-34Z89xij26NGZhYzc5NTMtYWEwMi00Y2MyLWE2OTYtYTdiODI5OWRmODFl
March 20, 2012
Dear Bill Windsor Lawless America,
I hope and pray that you receive this in the spirit of good will which is intended.
I was glad to share with you HireLyrics client and collaborator constituency learning with regard to Citizens Community Zoned Signature Gathering Campaigns. However, somewhere along the line your recognition that internet technologies give citizens journalists documentary producers historians “keepers of the record” sponsorship dollar free opportunities to grow “main stream” media networks; has resulted in several HireLyrics constituency clients or collaborators getting the impression that HireLyrics and your Lawless America Movie Project are affiliated.
I am issuing this official policy statement in response to those people who have contacted me asking for my advice as to whether or not Lawless America Movie Project would be beneficial for the Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights American Victim seeking exposure of our experiences by way of disclosing sensitive identification data; three minute condensed/edited interviews and presentation of “scripts”.
For now I am advising all those who would be interested in my opinion: YES, participate in Bill Windsor’s Lawless America Movie Project but do not give any information or confirmation until such time as Bill Windsor presents proposal of written Release Terms and Conditions that does not ask for interviewees’ employer(s), speaks to planned marketing distribution and/or syndication, ensures disclosure of contributor identity for interviewees who demand to be known - including in text summaries and promotional language about the Lawless America Movie which will be exposed through search engines; compensation (residuals royalties if marketed and sold or leased to any buyer in or out of the country; who are the sponsors of the movie, where is the money for the national trip to each city coming from and if it’s Bill Windsor’s personal funds, Lawless America must be prepared to post financials and point to same in any Proposed Form of Written Release Terms and Conditions); and Bill Windsor accounts for how data asked for is guaranteed secured.
Bill, please understand that this position is necessary as HireLyrics™ client and collaborator constituency has already had the learning as recently as last year where a (I think) well meaning Family Rights Advocate insisted that people should travel to him to contribute their input into a report to U.S. Dept of Justice. Even though the fellow family rights community leaders went spoke and were filmed, the Family Rights Activist (1) did not mention anyone but his own case in the Letter of Complaint to Supreme Court and Department of Justice but unfairly referred to the constituency contributors’ participation to glean undeserved similarly situated weight for his personal case.
Again, everyone is free to do as they see fit, however HireLyrics Practice Model does not ever change the product to suit the audience, rather we target the audience we seek and then hone administrative tools to overcome market entry challenges we seek to jettison the product into. This Product is one of many endeavors to compile and report contribution of “New Civil Rights Movement Is Underway in these United States. A New Civil Rights Movement Sees New Civil Rights Heroes.” And, “Restore Courage To Journalism….Once Verified The Truth Remains The Truth For the Sake of Truth In Public Record.”
HireLyrics was born to service those creators of work product contribution demonstrating quality of life is raised when fair entry to exposure and earnings opportunities into all marketplace synergies is achieved by standard presentation regardless of “who you know or what you have.” Our Practice Model Schematics are reported and tried and true showing “Business Practices are Evolving to Accommodate Dignity For the Human Spirit” and the contributor of work product is able to measure, insist upon and leverage two way accountability understanding work ethic synergy and intent of the “service” or industry which seeks to consume the creator’s work product life experience U.S. Economy impacting career contribution.
So I would say that my official position regarding whether or not anyone contributes their hard earned many times ten and twenty and thirty years investment of work product contribution, that we ask you Bill Windsor of Lawless America whether you would be willing to account in a Proposed Form of Written Release Terms and Conditions an administrative solution for Two Way Accountability by and between Bill Windsor of Lawless America Movie and the corruption victims whose contribution you seek to include.
(1) Into what industry markets do you intend to distribute the Lawless America Movie? Education, Network Syndication, Lease, Museum, Libraries, other Academia, PBS, BBC, or likely any marketing exposure of the Lawless America Movie which presents itself?
(2) If the Movie is purchased but University, Network or Syndication TV here in U.S. or abroad, will royalties be paid to those people who contributed to Lawless America Movie? If so, how would share be calculated and if not, why not?
(3) Would you be willing to sign a Proposed Form of Release with the contributor to your Lawless America Movie which Guarantees that their Cases and Names will not be censored so that the contributor can achieve exposure of their work already invested? I know you have talked many times about keeping information anonymous and while HireLyrics respects need and desires for anonymity, it is not credible marketing to promote your movie project to official corruption fraud civil rights victims claiming you are exposing their “stories” when in fact their injured heritage bloodline estates, creditors, ongoing and future claims processes do not glean any usefulness with referring to the Lawless America Movie as a credible source of reference, as the contributor of content is not identified and thereby not given credit and our injuries families defamed characters in the community are left just as much devoid of exposure as truth than before we participated in your Lawless America Movie. Please provide a way that interviewee can indicate we want our identities exposed in your move including the written summaries and product promo language so our names are carried aggressively into the search engines-authentic exposure.
(4) Could you please consider that your language about “unless someone steps forward and exposes corruption” is insulting to those civil rights heroes who have been in the trenches laying the groundwork that you seek to chronicle in your Lawless America Movie Project? Your own State’s beloved former Senator Nancy Schaefer’s work is dishonored when you present as though you are the first one who has the idea to utilize the internet technologies to gather evidence and witness testimony. You insult the work of Kathleen Russell Center for Judicial Excellence; and the 12 year work of HireLyrics Administrative Services 2002 Federal Crime Victim Class Action Case Studies reported in administrative solution U.S. Citizens (controlled) public docket database.
(5) Bill, I ask you to consider acknowledging by written Release Terms and Conditions, the pioneers who laid the foundation for us all as your fellow peers, other community development leaders, like Eliot Ivan Bernstein’s Iviewit Technologies inventor ten plus years forging of solid relationships to survive and hold on through litigation and car bombing, well exposed at www.iviewit.tv. I would ask you, Bill Windsor of Lawless America, to recognize that Debbie Tucker Williams who parlayed Michigan Child Abuse Registry Fraud into community responsibility, organizing Church Leaders Media Resources beginning with standing in the camp of Maryanne Godboldo while the third illegal adoption of her malpractice injured/disabled grandchild Malik Tucker Tyler, by a probate lawyer’s transference of property agenda was underway.
I would ask you, Bill, rather than issue form letter email ultimatums that unless we confirm that you will move on without us, that you recognize you should be accounting to Michael Nazario who stood his ground against false allegation to be the first that I know of to get a Federal Court to open Accurate Causes of Action RICO Personal Injuries caused by Legal Malpractice of Hennepin County Fourth Judicial District Family Division DHS CPS and Sheriff’s Department, U.S.D.C. Minnesota, bypassing the systematically abused immunity language in 1983 Civil Rights Act. Michael Nazario is protecting his information technology position with the world’s largest bank. You owe it to Michael Nazario and other victims turned New Civil Rights Hero like him to account to them as to how you are going to protect them from losing their jobs because someone who wants to retaliate against New Civil Rights Heroes got a hold of your database.
(6) Are you able to present a proposal to those who you are asking for contribution of life impacting vested interest that you are in fact talking to your peers, fellow community leaders who have a right to ask you to disclose the same sensitive information you are asking of us?
(7) Two Way Accountability would require you to account for (1) why are you asking for people’s employers outside of any mutually obligatory contract, and (2) how would you keep a federal crime victim of official corruption fraud civil rights from being retaliated against by his employer if the information you are gathering in your database is breached even with your best intentions? The internet technologies provide powerful collaboration resources, but make no mistake, we do not control the internet technologies. Bill Windsor, your using your owned server to provide free hosting and uploading exposure vids taken down by mainstream hosts is admirable but surely you know that huge servers have been taken down by those with knowledge and ability to do so.
(8) The person who contributes in good faith our stories should not have to risk their loved ones names significant others and employers being in the control of someone who has not entered into any obligatory contract with the contributor of the work product.
I wish you all the best of success on your movie project and applaud the work you have done, but remember if you want to share intimacy with any person (and I can’t think of anything more intimate than Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Judicial Accountability Prison and Public Safety Reform), then you are going to have to acknowledge us in public.
In Good-Will,
Ezekiel and Arriyel’s Grandma rox
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