Thursday, March 10, 2011

Roxanne Grinage will be at Philadelphia City Hall Wednesday's 11:00am Election Board Public Meetings

Roxanne Grinage will be at City Hall on the Wednesday’s starting March 16th at 11:00 A.M, Philadelphia Board Election Commissioners hold public meetings regarding Philly Mayor Race May 17th Primaries and will hand out Free Sign Up Forms Join 70 Families and Growing $1 Billion Class Action Lawsuit City of Philadelphia DHS and Philadelphia Family Court Malpractice.  Tee Shirts White Short Sleeve Size 2XL only “A New Civil Rights Movement Families Fight Back Say NO MORE DHS Demonic Horror Stories…DHS Slaughtered Families Vote Cross Party Lines No 2nd Term Nutter” will be available for a $20.00 donation.  4 by 2.5 feet wearable banners same message with added All Neighbors Welcome Community Welcome Meeting Place Create Jobs, Educate, Network Lawful Solutions to Save the Soul of our Cities, our Commonwealth, Our States, and our Nation” are available for a donation of $50.00.

Families Get DHS Slaughter Relief Op In Philly Mayor Race No 2nd Term Nutter

Tee Shirts DHS Slaughtered Families Vote Cross Party Lines No 2nd Term Nutter DHS

Download and mail in Free Sign Up Join 70 Families and Growing Plan $1 Billion  Class Action Lawsuit Conflict Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights Irreparable Harms Personal Injuries Theft of Heritage, Theft of Religious Freedoms, Theft of Vested Interest via Forced Commercial Transactions, Child Support Fraud, Child Abuse Registry Fraud, Court Ordered Mental Health Exam and Bonding Evaluation Fraud, Economic Treason, Child Rape, illegal abortions, etc.

I hardly had time to do the happy dance properly after reading Philadelphia Daily News March 9, 2011 Page 7 Campaign 2011 “Nutter facing another Street in mayoral race,” when I noticed pages 24 and 25 in the same newspaper super duper big “NOTICE To Whom It May Concern:… AVISO A Quien Le Pueda Interesar.”

Public Notices, I assume, are to us: the public, the people families workers and students of Philadelphia County who are affected by decisions elected officials make or don’t make. 

I called the Philadelphia County Board of Elections office figuring that Public Noticed Wednesday, March 16th a 11:00 A.M. Drawing for Ballot Position for the May 17, 2011 Primary Election held in Room 676 of City Hall and “City Commissioners sitting on the County Board of Elections will begin their weekly meetings concerning the May 17, 2011 Primary Election on Wednesday, March, 2011 at 11:00 AM in Room 387 City Hall.  Meetings will continue every Wednesday thereafter until further could be publicly attended – They are after all in City Hall and they are after all Public Notices larger than a quarter of page each in March 9, Philadelphia Daily News.   Of course there was no getting a live person to ask a question at the Philadelphia Board of Elections Office a City Hall telephone number – (215) 686-8718. 

I would have asked what “the public” asked Senator Leanna Washington and Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell, every single member of Philadelphia City Council and of course the notorious for being non-responsive to taxpayers in favor of meeting behind closed doors with the people eating veracious billing agenda of DHS contractors, on May 10, 2010 when 42 families asked how we could provide our proofs and testimony about DHS Demonic Horror stories Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights Felonies inflicted upon Working Class Student and Impoverished families of Philadelphia County while Nutter Washington and Blackwell feigned they were oh so offended about Philadelphia Taxpayers having to pay for live birth abortion of a human being that was viable outside the womb. 

Philadelphia Taxpayers found out we paid for more than 600 abortions of foster children raped DHS control on Nutter’s watch.  Raped pregnant children transported to New Jersey because the laws and morality of Pennsylvania forbid two day procedures (first day injection to stop the heart of the child come back second day to remove the murdered child from the habitually violated trauma injured child in Nutter’s DHS control).  51010 Roxanne Grinage Letter Philadelphia City Council Senator Washington Councilwoman Blackwell Mayor Michael Nutter Notice Several Families Interested How Register Participate Upcoming DHS Hearings.pdf

This is about recognizing and jumping on any opportunities to rescue children of all ages, families and entrepreneurs, employees and professionals spanning every demographic, after having utilized an administrative solution tool which allows standard access to administrative services which produce responsible recording respectful reporting measuring individual accountability work ethic criminal intent negligence or incompetence degrees of culpability in our nation’s Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court and Education Reform State of Emergency.

Had a live person answered at the Philadelphia Board of Elections office, I would have asked is the Public allowed to come sit in on your meetings.  If so can we take pictures and video and recordings that would assistant in leveraging individual accountability as 70 Philadelphia families and growing sign up plan $1 Billion Class Action Lawsuit City of Philadelphia DHS and Philadelphia Family Court – much of our evidence responsibly gathered demonstrated Conflict of Interest Malpractice relationships by and between Michael Nutter, DHS Commissioner and City Solicitors; Docket Monitoring and Docket Analysis that connects retaliation suffered by many families to reveal the victims of DHS retaliation, child rape, beatings, forced psychotropic chemicals, are plaintiffs who sued Michael Nutter, Philadelphia Family Court Administrative Judge Kevin M. Dougherty, Anne Marie Ambrose and prior DHS Commissioners.

All Neighbors Welcome. Meet Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Service U.S. Citizens Public Docket Database (Pennsylvania registered standard access litigation referral mechanisms) Grinage Family Rescue Ezekiel Arriyel Brown - down at City Hall, across the street from a really big Clothes Pin sculpture. 

Families can pick up the free sign up form which will allow your family to give us the pieces of information to include you in Free Sign Up 70 Families and Growing $1 Billion Class Action Lawsuit.  Tee Shirts size 2XL are available for a $20.00 donation: White Short Sleeve, “A New Civil Rights Movement Families Fight Back Say NO MORE DHS Demonic Horror Stories.  DHS Slaughtered Families Vote, No Second Term Nutter – Donations Pay for TV Newspaper and Radio ads, Administrative Costs of verifying and managing class action lawsuit litigation referral and the cost of an ALL NEIGHBORS WELCOME COMMUNITY MEETING PLACE WHERE ANYONE IS WELCOME REGARDLESS OF WHO YOU KNOW OR WHAT YOU HAVE WHERE WE CAN SHARE LEARNING NETWORK LAWFUL SOLUTIONS FOR SAVING THE SOUL OF OUR CITIES, OUR COMMONWEALTH, OUR STATES, OUR NATION. 

If for any reason the public is not really allowed in the public meeting in Rooms 676 on Wednesday March 16th at 11:00 AM, or Room 387, I’ll be the Ezekiel and Arriyel Grandma wearing the colorful 4 ft banner which says “DHS SLAUGHTERED FAMILIES VOTE CROSS PARTY LINES NO 2ND TERM NUTTER”.  I’ll have few tee shirts with me too.  You can buy the tee shirts on line click on any banner picture at top of any page at to get pay pal check out $27.00 online price includes cost of shipping and tax.  Order several for your group and I’ll meet in you Center City $20.00 donation each “NO 2ND TERM NUTTER” tee shirt.

Whether you donate $20.00 to get a tee shirt or not, try to donate at least $1.00 when you see our citizens campaigns, our New Civil Rights Movement Families Fight Back Say NO MORE DHS Demonic Horror Stories Tee Shirts and Banners.  Your $1.00 donation helps to organize the voter clout of a tragically far too large voter constituency of Federal Crime Victim Voters Created by Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights Felonies inflicted on American families.  Donation buttons at

Someone posted on my Youtube channel, “Did you ever think of taking a writing class?  More people really need to learn about this.” 

I never intended to care about politics or who is getting paid for what.  Until the 47 felony crimes inflicted upon my family by Fern Brown Caplan, Esquire, Timothy E. Possenti, Esquire, Judge Robert J. Matthews and Marvin L. Williams, Esquire, CPA PACSES, covered up for the sake of colleague protection docket analysis revealed in 07/06/10 Filing All Related Dockets Roxanne Grinage v Fern Brown Caplan, Esquire et al U.S.D.C. PaED 209-cv-04119-MSG, which destroyed my grandchildren Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown, their mother my daughter Lorraine Carlett Grinage, my business HireLyrics Administrative Services, my marriage of twenty-two years; I was minding my own business doing just fine not having to be a news reporter or document forensics expert. 

Any classes I take or any learning I pursue will be to become competitive in securing retribution and educating others that may be able to avoid be taken into modern day slavery - stolen heritage health education religious freedoms vested interest and future.

If one of us should fall, or ten of us should fall, or a hundred of us should fall we WILL have a community needs powered personality independence mechanism in place that will automatically trigger the rescue of children of all ages injured disabled incarcerated wrongfully killed or otherwise destroyed when we were kidnapped for profit.

Seems like DHS SLAUGHTERED FAMILIES VOTE! CROSS PARTY LINES! NO SECOND TERM NUTTER’S DHS DAILY CHILD SLAUGHTER, PHILADELPHIA FAMILY COURTROOM KILLING FLOORS MUST CLOSE is a good start even if we have to sacrifice grammar to get our messages into the free and lost cost services of internet publishing which is leveling the playing field for a population of financially devastated victims of Family Court with DHS corruption for getting off beacons of due diligence which are getting the attention of ethical highest levels of law enforcement, Federal State Funding Sources and Lawmakers who take their oaths to protect public safety and uphold States’ and U.S. Constitutions seriously.


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