See Full Length 33min video what happened 02/28/2011 when New Civil Rights Movement New Civil Rights Heroes Families Fight Back Say No More DHS Demonic Horror Stories, Janice Brown, Maurice West, Roxanne Grinage reviewed the records ordered produced by Subpoena upon DHS City of Philadelphia Deputy Solicitor Barbara A. Ash – an historic event in turning the tide for a so far unaccountable Philadelphia Family Court with DHS agency daily kidnap for profit child slaughter, theft of heritage, religious freedoms, forced commerce, siphoned embezzled federal and state funds by deliberate or incompetent falsification of records and lying in official court documents: Child Abuse Registry Fraud; Child Support Enforcement Fraud; Mental Health Exam Fraud; unlawful attachments, double and triple billing, etc. at CNN iReport HireLyrics Roxanne Grinage
A management team of Federal Crime Victim Voters created by State Court Conflict of Interest with DHS malpractice will organize the endorsement and impeachment clout of a tragically far too large voter constituency while we create jobs in our community that do what our elected officials have failed to do – protect public safety, educate, make referrals to ethical litigators and claims processes; transmit Fraud Reports and Recovery Act Fraud and Waste Whistleblower transmittals; honor our Commonwealth, States’ and U.S. Constitutions; and provide constitutionally correct People’s Protection Safe Haven for DHS and Court Ordered Abused Runaways. I commit every resource I have including ten and half years demonstrated standard access mechanism Roxanne Grinage dba HireLyrics Administrative Services to the rescue of my grand children which I believe hinges on DHS slaughtered families ceasing to be reactive (the nature of a DHS Demonic Horror Story Assault is to Disorient Confuse and Dismay); determine and navigate our own course; fuel our own momentum; speak and show up in tragically large one body one voice – millions slaughtered. Because my family’s salvation rests in recognizing those with a common purpose passion commitment and ability, I believe in my vision that a personality independent standard access to fair entry into competitive processes, i.e., the New Civil Rights Movement fight for human lives; U.S. and Commonwealths and States’ economy is needed to amplify the voice of the systematically silently slaughtered victim American family. If one of us should fall, or ten of us should fall or a hundred of us should fall…we WILL have a community-needs powered personality independent mechanism in place that will repetitively trigger standard access to the rescue of children of all ages injured by the child selling schemes of official corruption fraud civil rights felonies inflicted.
03/28/11 Donations needed All Neighbors and Community Welcome Meeting Place where anyone can come regardless of who you know or what you have, share learning, network solutions for rescuing the soul of our cities, our commonwealths, our nation: Federal Crime Victim Voters Safe Haven DHS Abused Runaways. No Second Term Michael Nutter Daily DHS Philadelphia Family Court Child Slaughter Must End. Purchase a Tee Shirt Donations pay for Metro Philly Daily News Philadelphia Inquirer Print Ads, Television and Radio Ads, Donation Buttons at
Administrative Costs for maintaining a place where anyone is welcome no matter who you know or what you have to share learning network strategize lawful solutions for slowing Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court and Education Reform Emergency while we rescue the soul of our Cities, Our Commonwealths, Our States, Our Nation.
See Too Many Pics and iGoogle document links to fit here and complete blog posts Roxanne Grinage Hosts HireLyrics is Born To Serve on Blog Talk Radio where we meet Sundays at 11:00 A.M. EST to share administrative solutions for market entry challenges for the previously un-accommodated population of disadvantaged creators. Leave your verifiable testimony about your Family Court with DHS Malpractice inflicted crimes against your American family toll free (888) 589-1110. Fax your documents to (215) 239-1110. Roxanne Grinage will verify and play on HireLyrics is Born To Serve on Blog Talk Radio whose show urls are submitted to the official contact forms of USDOJ, Whitehouse, Lawmakers, Prosecutors, Funding Sources, Media and ethical people who are in a position to intervene and help slow U.S. Citizens Public Docket responsibly recorded respectfully reported Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Court and Education Reform State of Emergency.
Roxanne Grinage Respectfully Suggested Administrative Solutions
Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court and Education Reform State of Emergency
The answer to missed educational opportunities; oppressive contracts and unaccountability horror stories; racism; poverty; and hate-based ideas festering into terrorism, is the responsible development of entities that standardize access, standardize procedures, and standardize services. Respectfully, -roxanne grinage-
“Take no bag for the journey, or extra tunic or sandals or a staff; for the worker is worth his keep.”
Matthew 10:10
Roxanne Grinage, HireLyrics Administrative Services, U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, Grinage Family Rescue Ezekiel Arriyel Brown
PO Box 22225, Philadelphia PA 19136
Toll Free (888) 589-1110 Fax: (215) 589-2939
Email: and/or
HireLyrics™ is a litigation referral administrative services company that raises quality of life by providing standard access to those administrative services that when rendered contingently cause fair entry into competitive processes; exposure and earnings opportunities for the previously unseen, unmeasured un-accommodated Worldwide Population of Disadvantaged Creators©. What are Disadvantaged Creators© Creating?....Work Product and Career Contributions, Families, Communities, Education, Technology, Entertainment, Engineering, Military and Defense, Health care Medicine and Science, Twelve Step Recovery, Life Experience and Mentorship, etc.
What is Done in The Dark is Coming to Light as Sun Shines on a darkened gloomy Philadelphia City Hall.jpg What is done in the dark will come to light. Federal Investigation, choking funding Corruption Plagued PHA clean up, DHS slaughtered families speaking in one voice millions slaughter using lawful evidence gathering depositions and expert witness testimony to document Kidnap For Profit schemes of Judge Kevin M Dougherty who told Janice Brown “I’m concerned about how much loss of family members you have suffered” and then proceeded to work with DHS City Solicitors Lyris Younge and Barbara A Ash to falsify records to cause infliction of further suffering illegal adoption kidnap for profit trauma theft of heritage religious freedoms and possible forced chemicals injuries inflicted on Envy Smith and Zyeem Hill, Janice Brown’s grandchildren.
030111 Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Fifty Families Sign Up $1B Class Action No 2nd Term Michael Nutter Philadelphia Family Courtroom Killings Floors Must Close.gif
030111 Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics US Citizens Public Docket Administrative Solutions slow Child Slaughter US Economy Court Education Reform Emergency.jpg.gif (89 KB)
022811 Janice Brown Feltonville Crash Grandmother receives threat of DHS Retaliation to Remove remaining grandchild for proving DHS City of Philadelphia City Solicitors Lyris Younge, Barbara A. Ash, Judge Kevin M. Dougherty’s illegal adoptions for profit schemes by way of Deliberate Records Mis-Management. Janice Brown, Maurice West, Deborah Young and Roxanne Grinage did place in the hands of Barbara A. Ash, Deputy City Solictor signed witness statements re Subpoenaed Records Reviewed the following: Barbara Ash has been left with Notice of Fifty Families $1 Billion Class Action Personal Injuries inflicted by DHS with Philadelphia Family Court. 02/28/2011. This notifies [that] Janice Brown Maurice West Deborah Young Roxanne Grinage did come in person to DHS 1515 Arch and did confirm in person conversation with Barbara Ash, Chief Deputy City Solicitor (1) Barbara Ash did not produce records pertaining to Envy Smith and Zyeem Hill; (2) Did not produce any Deposition Petition or reason(s) for transport transfer guardianship and (3) Barbara Ash did produce falsified records / old case notes altered to appear as recently entered false statements unsbstantiated. No record was produced to support transport, or adoption of Janice Browns grandchildren. Signed Janice Brown, Signed Maurice West, Signed Deborah Young, Signed Roxanne Grinage. DHS Records Mismanagement Error noted at time of paying for and picking up 55 pages copied by DHS employee was that another family another DHS case number completely unrelated to Janice Brown Envy Smith Zyeem Hill Subpoenaed Records incompletely produced - indicated on City of Philadelphia DHS Letterhead Responsible Management showing Raydell Fisher-Wilson, Legal Assistant Supervisor Law Department Child Welfare Unit, One Parkway Building, 1515 Arch Street, 16th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19102-1595, (215) 683-5158 Fax (215) 683-5162 RAYDELLFISHER@PHILA.GOV did present receipt with reinforced theft of heritage separation trauma injuries suffered by Janice Brown's grandchildren for 3 and 1/2 years by inserted false record Re: DHS Case Name: Smith Robert, DHS File No. 183646D.
022811 City Philadelphia DHS time cards Time clock seen in reception area records review – It’s a job – what length will unethical people go to keep a job?.jpg
022811 DHS Records mis-management kidnapped for profit stolen heritage stolen futures theft of religious freedoms DHS People Lives piled up scattered on the Floor like garbage 1 of 3.jpg
022811 Records mis-management kidnapped for profit stolen heritage DHS Files People Lives Scattered on the Floor like garbage 2 of 3.jpg
022811 DHS kidnap for profit heritage futures religious freedoms stolen stacked in boxes stored and forgotten 3 of 3.jpg
022811 Deborah Young notes incomplete misfiled records in front of Maurice West points out dust laden law books never opened by DHS.jpg
022811 gif Federal Crime Victim Voters Created by DHS Slaugher Vote Sign Up 1 Billion Class Action.gif (1 MB)9:20
022811 Janice Brown Deborah Young recognize DHS falsified records and records of other families not related in her file and incomplete records produced by DHS City Solicitor subpoenaed Barbara A. Ash no deposition petition whatsoever.jpg
Deborah Young Maurice West Janice Brown 1 Billion Class Action Statement on way DHS Subpoenaed Records Review illegal adoption.jpg (126 KB)
021311 IRS PACSES USM285 USDOA USDC Notices Grinage Family Rescue Ezekiel Arriyel Brown Philadelphia Family Court DHS Malpractice Judge Robert Matthews Kevin Dougherty Anne Ambrose Erick Brown 060810 Mob Assault Abduction Fraud.pdf
12/12/2009 Grinage Family Rescue Ezekiel Arriyel Brown will never forget the Laurel and Hardy Whose on First What’s on Second Anne Marie Ambrose Lied about in 18 page email stating DHS workers responded to the recorded bragged about by Saundra O. Sullivan beatings of Ezekiel Zadkiel Brown, Cracking Sounds, threats “yeah I’m hitting them now bitch what you going to do about It?” the screams of Ezekiel and Arriyel’s non stop crying heard in the background over 7 hours. And then Anne Marie Ambrose’s censoring as though never received by DHS the 10/08/09 IMMD social worker Jacinta Garrison’s delivered proofs Sergeant read outloud high levels of cocaine speed and pcp drug test submitted by Timothy Possenti to Fern Brown Caplan to cause the 13 felonies inflicted Willful Reckless Child Endangerment of Roxanne Grinage’s grandchildren for the sake of greed extortion and bribes proven.
Shoulder to Shoulder Deborah Young Janice Brown Maurice West Lead Way Fifty Families want to see records of stolen heritage DHS 1 Billion Class Action 22811.jpg (56 KB
022711 Charles Stecker Jr commemorates 44th anniversary death 2 year old Edward J. Stecker Murdered the Philadelphia DHS foster contractor who was trusted to help. Edward Stecker was two years old and found out a Philadelphia Inquirer Article reported the same woman that murdered his two year old brother and shatter Edward's 4 year old arm was in fact under investigation for another child having died ten months before in the same foster "mother's" house: reformatted for TK official DC Rally Fest.gif (134 KB)
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