Friday, November 16, 2012

Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Utilizes Eliot Bernstein Crystal Cox William Windsor Defamation As Opportunity To Evolve Better Contracts Better Services for Corruption Victim Pro Se Litigants and Forms To Calculate Damages Recovery Solutions for American Business Owners Who Have To Say NO MORE FREE WORK!

Roxanne Grinage said... 11/15/12 Roxanne Grinage of HireLyrics Administrative Services Solution Calculate Pennsylvania registered business entities and U.S. Department of Treasury Sole Proprietorships Business Damages When Deadbeat Client Eliot Bernstein is Told NO MORE FREE WORK Bernstein False Claims via $2.5 Million Verdict in Obsidian v Cox Internet Predator Crystal Cox Blogger Calls herself Reverend Crystal Cox declares in email she will use 11/13/12 registered ROXANNEGRINAGE.COM gives GODADDY HOST $85,000.00 PER DAY DMCA COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT LIABILITY NAME WORDS OF ART IMAGE AND DEFAMATORY CONTENT authored by third Defendant Windsor 11/15/2012 Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Service: NOTICE OF CLAIM CALCULATE DAMAGES DEFAMATION FALSE CLAIMS, Notice To Agent Is Notice To Principal, Notice To Principal Is Notice To Agent, Index of Exhibits, ("Attachment A" Is 40 Pages); Pursuant to Federal Rule of Procedure 56(f) court may grant summary judgment independent of the motion or sua sponte after giving notice and a reasonable time to respond. Pursuant to Fed. Rule of Evidence: Rule 902. Self-authentication; Rule 903. Subscribing Witness' Testimony Unnecessary; Rule 1001. Definitions; Rule 1003. Admissibility of Duplicates; Rule 1004. Admissibility of Other Evidence and Contents - In Re Executor and Executrix of The Estates Heirs and Investments of Willie Lee Brownson and Roxanne Grinage and Lorraine Grinage and Love Thomas Wright Cooper, Pennsylvania Business Entities, U.S. Department Of Treasury Sole Proprietors, having a service address PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, PA 19136 AGAINST ELIOT BERNSTEIN, An Individual Florida Citizen having service address 2753 N.W. 34th Street, Boca Raton, Florida 33434-3459, Boca Raton, Florida 33434-3459 and AGAINST CRYSTAL COX & REVEREND CRYSTAL COX, 11/13/12 domain registrant of ROXANNEGRINAGE.COM, An individual Washington Citizen having a service address PO Box 2027, Port Townsend, Washington, 98368; and AGAINST William Windsor, An Individual Citizen of Georgia having a service address P.O. Box 681236 Marietta, GA 30068 110712 Roxanne Grinage Seeks Reform Funding Chapters In Each State To Help Federal Crime Victims of Corruption Fraud Civil Rights Crime. "Can Federal Crime Victims created by Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights Violations Hope In President Obamas 2nd Term? YES WE CAN! "Our President Strong U.S. Citizens Public Docket Transmits Claims Data 2,060 Federal Crime Victims Verified. Roxanne Grinage Goes After Department of Justice and Non-Profit Grants to build Reform Chapter Heads In each State Install Community Leaders Who Have Been Unpaid Heroes All Along. Ezekiel and Arriyels Grandma, Roxanne Grinage owner manager of HireLyrics Administrative Services Legal Assistant Marketing Careers Project Manager, will report full U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, 2,060 Federal Crime Victims verified by Standard Access to Claims Intake Assessment, to President Obamas Whitehouse Executives Officers by Internet Posting and Certified Service of Data Discs."pdf 110712 Roxanne Grinage Seeks Reform Funding Chapters In Each State To Help Federal Crime Victims of Corruption Fraud Civil Rights Crime. "Can Federal Crime Victims created by Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights Violations Hope In President Obamas 2nd Term? YES WE CAN! "Our President Strong U.S. Citizens Public Docket Transmits Claims Data 2,060 Federal Crime Victims Verified. Roxanne Grinage Goes After Department of Justice and Non-Profit Grants to build Reform Chapter Heads In each State Install Community Leaders Who Have Been Unpaid Heroes All Along. Ezekiel and Arriyels Grandma, Roxanne Grinage owner manager of HireLyrics Administrative Services Legal Assistant Marketing Careers Project Manager, will report full U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database, 2,060 Federal Crime Victims verified by Standard Access to Claims Intake Assessment, to President Obamas Whitehouse Executives Officers by Internet Posting and Certified Service of Data Discs."pdf ELIOT BERNSTEIN CRYSTAL COX WILLIAM WINDSOR TRIO BIRTH ROXANNE GRINAGE ADMINISTRATIVE SOLUTIONS SERIES: HOW TO SURVIVE DEADBEAT CLIENT DEFAMATION TANTRUM WHEN BUSINESS OWNER HAS TO SAY NO MORE FREE WORK! DOES THE ETHICAL CREDENTIALED PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONSULTANT HAVE AN OBLIGATION TO PROTECT CLIENT CONFIDENTIALITY WHEN THE FORMER CLIENT POSTS DEFAMATION AND FALSE CLAIMS VIA BROADCAST EMAIL DOMAIN AND SOCIAL NETWORK FORUMS? Excerpt of Video Statement Read by Roxanne Grinage. − I am Roxanne Grinage and this is my husband of 24 years Willie Brownson. We are Grandma and Pop Pop to 06/08/10 Mob Assault Abducted by fugitives Erick Brown and Saundra Sullivan Brown Kearney, the children of Lorraine Grinage, Ezekiel Zadkiel Brown and Arriyel Roxanne Brown. First I thank all those HireLyrics clients collaborators and people who I thought were strangers who emerged in response to Eliot Bernstein's broadcast e-mail(s) yesterday and today to give me words of encouragement, reinforced hope, written recommendations, testimonials enthusiastic references, reminding me that the true nature and value of my life's work is characterized by good will and commitment to service of public interest and cannot be erased by ill will or hostility. Eliot Ivan Bernstein, a loved one, and valued HireLyrics client whose administrative challenge to unstall a corruption stalled patent and RICO pro se litigation, in whom I placed my trust in and invested my work into, bore costs; incurred debt and took risks to accommodate what I intended to be a good willed partnership to make this world a better place forsook all pretense of humanity and indulged a defamation tantrum of mushroom cloud scale, because I as a responsible business manager and supporter of my own family, other professional services clients and reform communities, had to say "NO MORE FREE WORK AND I CAN'T BE ASSOCIATED WITH WITHHOLDING DOMAINS NAMED FOR REAL PEOPLE." As I tried to understand how or why a higher power would allow this tragedy to happen, it came to me that yet another market entry challenge has presented itself for the population of claimants HireLyrics is Born To Serve,™ the Worldwide Population of Disadvantaged Creators of U.S. Economy Enriching Careers Contributions.© HIRELYRICS WILL DEMONSTRATE A NEW ADMINISTRATIVE SOLUTIONS SERIES TO HELP BUSINESS OWNERS RECOVER FROM CLIENT FALSE CLAIMS DEFAMATION TANTRUMS WHEN BUSINESS MANAGER HAS TO SAY NO MORE FREE WORK! DOES THE ETHICAL CREDENTIALED PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONSULTANT HAVE AN OBLIGATION TO PROTECT CLIENT CONFIDENTIALITY WHEN THE FORMER CLIENT POSTS DEFAMATION AND FALSE CLAIMS VIA BROADCAST EMAIL DOMAIN AND SOCIAL NETWORK FORUMS? There Is An Administrative Solution To Every Market Entry Challenge. HireLyrics Is Born To Serve. -Roxanne Grinage, Legal Assistant Marketing Careers Project Manager HireLyrics Administrative Services U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database. (267) 444-0495. Roxanne Grinage, Legal Assistant Marketing Careers Project Manager Federal Rules of Evidence compliant Expert Witness Report Services HireLyrics Administrative Services U.S. Citizens Public Docket Database PO Box 22225 Philadelphia Pa 19136 Tel 267-444-0594 Fax 215-405-2939 Skype: roxanne.grinage

1 comment:

  1. Irina Hockenjos

    Hi, Roxane, i so you are hurt from bill Windsor also.

    Could you look at this link,please,

    Last picture is including Elen paumere. If this people could be her connections that make Paumere above the Laws and permit Paumeres take our home, money?

    Roxanne Grinage

    Yes Irina, if you could type a statement in a facebook message to me about your bad experience with Bill Windsor I would appreciate it because we are moving against him crystal cox and even Eliot Bernstein in a defamation lawsuit.

    Irina Hockenjos

    I worked for Bill W. booking Hotels for about 30 States for him, some Hotels I booked using my Hotel ponts free for Windsor, like one in Manhattan and others. Windsor parked on our driveway and we were driving him to Manhattan and back. :) For all of it he created harmful Article for us on internet and refused to take it down, removed us and our friends from his movie and then abused and treat us on demand to take Article down. People who are demanding our real porperty, money from us against our will Paumere told us on November 14,2012 that they are going to use Windsor Atrticle on internet agaisnt us. How do they even know about that Article? It was not possible to find it easily when so much time past from the Summer when Windsor created it.
