Friday, July 13, 2012

Freeh Penn State Sandusky Report Gives Philadelphia Family Court Corruption Victims Model for Reaching Pennsylvania Attorney General with Layperson Investigation Requests

Freeh Penn State Report Gives All Family Court Corruption Victims Model for Layperson Referral To States' Attorney Generals

by Roxanne Grinage on Friday, July 13, 2012 at 8:42pm ·

Freeh Report Gives Philadelphia Family Court Corruption Victims Model To Reach Pennsylvania Attorney General

By:  Roxanne Grinage July 13, 2012. 

Louis Freeh Report Penn State Sandusky Gives Philadelphia Family Court Corruption Victims Layperson Referral Model.  Pennsylvania Attorney General Linda Kelly and other Pennsylvania prosecutors' work in Middle District Kids For Cash and Penn State Gary Sandusky investigations indictments and convictions are to be applauded.  As we struggle with ways to get our grassroots coming out of community verified evidence depositions and witness testimony to the attention of people who can do something about it we learned our evidence is not acted on because we are not a referring agency even though we, the working class student impoverished federal crime victim is created and impacted by the official corruption fraud civil rights violations of people officially positioned to perpetrate felonies upon us.  As July 12, 2012 live press conference showed breaking news Penn State Board of Trustees owning accountability and shame while referring to the Freeh Report and its recommendations for institutional and program child abuse prevention reporting and response....I realized the "independent report by Louis Freeh and his law firm, Freeh Sporkin & Sullivan, LLP, into the facts and circumstances of the actions of The Pennsylvania State University surrounding the child abuse committed by a former employee, Gerald A. Sandusky," provides personal injury and theft victims of Philadelphia Family Court with City of Philadelphia Department of Human Services (DHS) corruption a perfect model for rendering our more than 200 federal crime victim witness claims intake data for submission of layperson referral to Pennsylvania Prosecutors, FBI and Department of Justice asking for investigation and audits in the interest of public safety. 

See Roxanne Grinage, Legal Assistant prior efforts to notice Public Safety Emergency caused by deliberate state court malpractice with states' Departments of Human Services and Children's Protective Services agencies' employees misconduct:

How 2,000 Federal Crime Victim Voters Class Action Case Studies Innovate 11 New Federal Laws Champions of Patriotism Judicial Accountability Economy Prison Careers Education Public Safety Reform

Legal Malpractice Crime Victims Speak As Voters Legal Assistant Role in Evidence Production

$1 Billion Class Action Families Brave DHS Retaliation Get Subpoenaed Records Evidence

US Citizens Controlled Public Docket Gives CPS Victims Court Reform Pro Se Case Studies

American Victims of Corrupt Family Court CPS Get Preferred Access to Litigation Referral Explained

Grinage Family Seeks PKPA Enforcement End Fraud Mob Assault Fugitives Sullivan/Brown Crime Spree

06/02/12 Press Release Notice to Pennsylvania Attorney General Honorable Linda L. Kelly and Pennsylvania Attorney General Candidates Kathleen Kane (D) and David Freed (R): Court Legal Malpractice Crime Victims Speak as a Voter Constituency: A Public Safety and Crime Victim Voter Constituency Concern When Perjury Causes Malpractice of State Statutes. Pennsylvania citizens need an avenue, independent of agency referral, wherein layperson crime victims can submit evidence showing a need for prosecution of federal fraud and municipal assault fugitives who function openly as criminal child abusers in State Court Family Division matters. These are the kinds of evidentiary probable cause matters Pennsylvania citizen layperson crime victims have a need to reach our prosecutors with because the Family Division Courts and Municipal Courts function in legal malpractice due to perjury of criminals whose deeds fall outside of civil litigation venues.pdf   

Signatures and Comments representing all states who signed petition will be appended to verified claims intake data submitted by Roxanne Grinage to "Pennsylvania Attorney General and Candidates Given Legal Assistant's Claims Intake Data Shown Public Safety Emergency Need For Grand Jury Investigation of Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Family Court. To be delivered to: Kathleen Kane, Democratic Candidate for Pa Atty General, David Freed, Republican Candidate Pa Atty General, The Pennsylvania State House, The Pennsylvania State Senate, Governor Tom Corbett, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama"   

I was working on compiling my legal assistant claims intake assessment notes of 200 federal crime victim witnesses to Philadelphia Family Court with City of Philadelphia DHS deliberate legal malpractice and records mis-management to perpetuate a highly evolved kidnap for profit scheme which consumes the persons, health, education and U.S. economy enriching career contributions of American working class student and impoverished families and entrepreneurs.  I had just had a research and discovery connect the dots break through where I could finally prove to Pennsylvania Attorney General Linda Kelly, Pennsylvania Attorney General candidates Kathleen Kane (D) and David Freed (R), FBI and Department of Justice Investigators the public safety emergency posed by yet another insidious institutionally perpetrated Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud modus operandi practiced by Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Judges with private lawyer custody and child support masters whose Judicial Rite of Passage is to look the other way and proclaim they never saw stamped filed evidence because Philadelphia Family Court Clerk is under same mandate as private lawyer custody and support masters to  protect their court employee jobs and their private attorney companies by enforcing and reinforcing Judge Kevin M. Dougherty Robert J. Matthews Alice Beck Dubow Margaret T. Murphy's conflict of interest relationships with DHS contractor providers to make sure the Court Orders children into the most abusive high risk child endangerment scenario child is fast tracked "sold" to perpetual billing of foster and adoption placement billing contractors; therapeutic and behavioral health billing contractors, physician institutions as big as Children's Hospital of Philadelphia CHOP and pharmaceutical contractors, conjured expert witness reports of billing forensics contractors, fraud court order mental health evaluation contractors while exacerbating abuse and theft injuries suffered by not just the person court ordered abused but the heritage health education careers freedom and future of the American Family and Business Owner.  

Job justification for contractor billing referral ensures private lawyers who have no qualification for discerning evidence or adjudicating divorce and custody matters because they are deliberately kept from seeing stamped filings pick up money on the side while building resumes for judicial questionnaires.   Philadelphia Family Clerk Court's "Alice Through The Looking Glass" maze of "call customer service or take time off work or school or taking care of our families to go down into the basement of 34 S. 11th Street, and hash out correction of administrative errors and record keeping is an economy depleting gear turning people eating machine.  

Hearings in response to emergency petitions for relief, notices of contempt, parent kidnapping witness and medical and police report evidence of child abuse are deliberately set three six and nine months apart while Clerk of Court deliberately obstructs service, refuses to update address, findings and orders emerge from clandestine hearings where subject of findings is not present; arrest warrants liens and transfer of guardianship are announced, arrest warrants hovered whether satisfied or not - all designed to remove any protection whatsoever for the infant child juvenile disabled or elderly person who is the target of kidnap for profit schemes legitimized by the seal of Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Family Division.

In our Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Family Division Case No. 0C0705124 Lorraine Grinage and Roxanne Grinage v. Erick Brown and Saundra Sullivan, Marvin L. Williams, Esquire CPA PACSES and now Municipal Court Judge stated in a hearing after mob assault abduction of Lorraine Grinage's children that he doesn't have to and did not read Lorraine Grinage's 05/27/10 4th emergency petition for relief and he did not read grandparents June 14, 2010 evidence of Erick Brown's and Saundra Sullivan's long history of child abuse being just one of their crimes during what has grown to be a three year crime spree, of child abuse injuries, bigamy, car theft, false report of stolen vehicle, insurance fraud, identity theft to cause a five year old minor child to have delinquent credit report to bragging about how much "dough" they have because of Erick Brown's unreported auto mechanic earnings and Saundra Sullivan's collecting SSI while selling Erick Brown's shared residences and business tax I.D.s of Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Services to her friends at City of Philadelphia DHS to cause theft of D-U-N‑S number and embezzlement of Federal Grant Funding. 

August 9, 2012 upcoming assigned Michael Fanning owner of Philadelphia Attorney company having Dun & Bradstreet reported annual revenues of $150,000 per year and whose official contact information says he is a with prestigious law firm GalfandBerger is said by the law firm's receptionist "he hasn't been here in years and nobody here knows where he is".  Michael Fanning and Judge Kevin M. Dougherty were both on the fax distribution of 06/02/12 Press Release Notice to Pennsylvania Law Enforcement and Courts confirmed received by Philadelphia Family Court Custody Master's unit.   Private attorney company, former district attorney and aspirer to Court of Common Pleas Judge, Michael Fanning is non responsive to his copy of Notice to Pennsylvania Law Enforcement and Courts about enforcement of Parental Kidnapping Act with enclosed 28 item data disc and Exhibits showing the urgency for why "Local law enforcement and Courts are bound by law to enforce the PKPA regardless of whether they are friends of the child abusers or not."

Philadelphia Family Court Judge Robert Matthews committed several felonies to cover up the willful reckless child endangerment crimes of custody master private lawyer Fern Brown Caplan, Esquire.  Upcoming Philadelphia Family Court Custody Master Michael Fanning also has judgeship aspirations, has completed a Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas judicial questionnaire just like Marvin L. Williams did; is a former district attorney has endorsements of labor unions and police but didn't quite make it last election and now will accommodate corrupt Philadelphia Family Court Ordered Child Abuse of Judge Robert J. Matthews and Kevin M. Dougherty so he can make judge I suppose which everyone knows is an appointed position and not really an elected one.

It's a documented pattern in need of investigation by Pennsylvania Prosecutors FBI and Department of Justice.


Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Services U.S. Citizens Public Docket Database
PO Box 22225 Philadelphia Pa 19136
Tel 267-444-0594 Fax 215-405-2939 
Skype:  roxanne.grinage
Business Consultant Agreement Effective April 15, 2012.
Roxanne Grinage Legal Assistant Marketing Careers Project Manager

"Restore Courage To Journalism...Tell The Truth For the Sake of Truth In Public Record. Federal Crime Victim Voters are a tragically large crime victim claimant population whose voter clout can be galvanized to innovate U.S. Economy Education Careers Judicial Accountability Prison and Public Safety Reform. Restore Courage To Journalism...The Citizens control the Public Docket!" respectfully roxanne grinage

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