For almost three years now, the Facebook Group Community and authors of landmark filings, press releases and short little notes here and there "rox you can find case law here (link) or "rox check out this website or that".... Below are a few people who come to mind first but remember I have to thank 2001 Federal Crime Victims who utilized my demonstration of an invention in business method which is nothing more than fair entry into marketing careers ligation referral and other industries to cause exposure and earnings opportunities in fair competitive markets regardless of who you know or what you have.
Also I am particularly humbled emotional and eyes keep watering every time I think of how the work and sacrifice of their lives of our dearly beloved Senator Nancy Schaefer and her husband Bruce laid down the foundation which enabled American Working Class Student and Impoverished Americans to build on lifting Federal Crime Victim Voters as an influential class of claimants moving toward Nationwide Supreme Court Class Action, and having strong voter constituency clout to STAND AND HOLD ENGAGE THE DEMONIC NATURE OF CHILD SLAUGHTER U.S. ECONOMY FRAUD COURT AND EDUCATION REFORM STATE OF EMERGENCY.
Thank you (as those I recognize as New Civil Rights Heroes come to mind): Felicita Luna, Lee Arango, Lorraine Grinage, Roger Silook, Shannon Silook, Angela Barff-Eib, Jessie Jennifer Roy, Rhonda Palmer, Eula Rivers Edison Toorak, Debbie Tucker Williams, Michelene Azevedo (deceased), from the early days when we first realize we had to stand and hold mobilize child rescue days: Janice Brown now Mrs. Maurice West, Feltonville Crash survivors, Third Street Angels twice victimized by Kevin Dougherty "The are my kids now" personal injuries kidnap for profit, Barbara Clayton, Deborah Young, Latoya Hall, Bryan Jones, Veronica Spencer, Jasmine Kitchen, Malika Henderson, Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown (abducted by Erick Brown Saundra O Sullivan Public Mob Assault 06/08/10); Bill Windsor Lawless America, Eliot Bernstein, Jesus Lazaro Ecenarro, Leon Koziol, Mia Child, Temple University Students, University of Pennsylvania Students and Professors, Occupy Techies, MBA students, Law School Students, artists, performers, lyricists, some law school professors, the registar of wills, election commissioners, judges and city council candidates that spoke with DHS Slaughtered No 2nd Term Nutter Voters during Pentacostal Political Awareness Committee Breakfast March 26, 2011 and the gubernatorial candidates Senator Anthony Williams and Tom Corbett who talked with City of Philadelphia DHS corruption slaughter group of six, inspired by representative candidate Tim Kearney's questions about corruption in government at Northeast Chamber of Commerce Meet The Next Governor Breakfast Series April 15 and 22nd, 2010 - ah heck, just check out my facebook wall every group that allows me to post and every facebook friend has helped. There are many that helped that are not on facebook and you know I am forever grateful. The case caption of RICO Legal Malpractice Pro Se Caption is below. Stamped filed pdf will be available soon.
The Federal Crime Victim Voter Statement: If one of us should fall...or ten of us should fall or a hundred of us should fall WE WILL HAVE A COMMUNITY NEEDS POWERED PERSONALITY INDEPENDENT MECHANISM IN PLACE WHICH WILL AUTOMATICALLY TRIGGER THE RESCUE OF CHILDREN OF ALL AGES! Strongest Prayers, Roxanne Grinage Ezekiel and Arriyel's Grandma.
Michael Nazario on behalf of Nazario Family
Federal Crime Victim Plaintiffs Pro Se
[redacted for web publish]
Minneapolis MN 55418
Tel: (952) [redacted for web publish]
Fax: (215) 405-2939
In Re the Matter of the Welfare of the Children of: | FAM ID. 323598 |
Counter-Plaintiff Michael Nazario’s Motion to Stay Pending Judge Katherine Quaintance Recuse Herself for Legal Malpractice Conflicts of Interest and Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law.
I, Michael Nazario, state under penalty of perjury that the welfare my children and my wife, Joy Nazario, Veonna Nazario and Yasiah Nazario is best served by Judge Katherine Quaintance recuse herself due to continuing and worsening personal injuries irreparable harms and public safety emergency posed by Judge Katherine Quaintance’s Conflict of Interest Conspiracy with DHS Karin Chedister and CPS Diane Kassler and Deborah Silverstein, Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law. See Commencement of Federal Lawsuit Complaint (“RICO”) filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota today, a true and correct copy, attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein.
Respectfully submitted,
[Clerk of Court Stamped Filed Received Mar 2, 2012]
Michael Nazario on behalf of Nazario Family
I certify that I caused the foregoing, Counter-Plaintiff Michael Nazario’s Motion to Stay Pending Judge Katherine Quaintance Recuse Herself for Legal Malpractice Conflicts of Interest and Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law, to be electronically served to all parties known to me of record on March 4, 2012.
March 4, 2012 ________________________________________
Roxanne Grinage, Legal Administrative Assistant to
Federal Crime Victims Counter-Plaintiffs Pro Se.
[Michael Narzario’s Hand Delivery Stamped Filed Received by
Hennepin County Fourth Judicial District Family Division Clerk of Court March 2, 2012]
Michael Nazario on behalf of Nazario Family | |||
United States District Court | |||
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vs. |
| Case No. 0:12-cv-00554 |
JUDGE KATHERINE QUAINTANCE Fourth Judicial District Family Division in her individual capacity, having no immunity for Legal Malpractice inflicted personal injuries, irreparable harms and and DIANE KASSLER and DEBORAH SILVERSTEIN Hennepin County Department of Health and Public Services HENNEPIN COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT
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COMMENCEMENT OF NATURE OF SUIT: Public Safety Emergency Caused by Hennepin County Fourth Judicial District Family Division Deliberate Continuing and Worsening Legal Malpractice of Minnesota Constitution Article I Bill of Rights. FIVE CAUSES OF ACTION FULL CASE CAPTION: Michael Nazario on behalf of Nazario Family and Minnesotans similarly situated who may be unable to sue vs. Hennepin County Fourth Judicial District Family Division Judge Katherine Quaintance and Hennepin County DHS Minnesota Bar Association Practitioner Karin Chedister and Hennepin County CPS employees Diane Kassler, Deborah Silverstein and Hennepin County Sheriff Department. EXHIBIT A. Excerpt Quote from Beloved Former Senator Nancy Schaefer, Deceased, From the legislative desk of Senator Nancy Schaefer 50th District of Georgia, November 16, 2007, THE CORRUPT BUSINESS OF CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES, by: Nancy Schaefer Senator, 50th District; EXHIBIT B. Hennepin County District Court Administrator Stamped filed February 1, 2012, MICHAEL DAVID NAZARIO’S Counter Claim Plaintiff Pro Se COUNTER CLAIM AFFIDAVIT OF FACTS, CERTIFIED SERVICE NOTICE FEDERAL CIVIL RIGHTS CLAIM FOR DAMAGES $3,000,000.00, NAZARIO MARKED EXHIBITS INDEX PAGES 1 THROUGH 40. (Exhibit B excludes Marked Exhibits 1 through 40 pending proper title and proper redaction in compliance with Application of Pro Se Litigant to File Electronically.) EXHIBIT C. January 20, 2012, How 2,000 Federal Crime Victim Case Studies Innovate Champions of Patriotism 11 New Federal Laws enrich U.S. Economy Careers Education Judicial Accountability Prison and Public Safety Reform. |
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