Saturday, December 25, 2010

Billion Dollar Class Action Forms Citizens Grand Juries Safe Haven For Court DHS Ordered Abused Runaways

Billion Dollar Class Action Forms Peoples Grand Juries Protect DHS Abused Runaways and Confirmed U.S. Attorney Malpractice Washington Cowlitz County; Michigan, Detroit and Ann Arbor, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia


This is a 12/26/10 HireLyrics Administrative Services demonstration of a U.S. Citizens (controlled) Public Docket Database Evidence Module submitted as due diligence requesting Intervention and Audits for slowing and eventually stopping Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Education and Court Reform State of Emergency.  Respectfully, Roxanne Grinage.


HireLyrics is Born To Serve on Blog Talk Radio show Topic Agenda, url goes to President 10/27/10 Domestic Violence Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett re Judges’ deliberate denials protection from abuse cause “no child safe at home” John Walsh America’s Most Wanted Tip line re human trafficking caused by Family Court Judges Conflict of Interest Malpractice with billing contractors; Michelle Rhee re Education Reform Initiative. See 12/26/2010 11:00 AM Billion Dollar Class Action Peoples Grand Juries Protect DHS Abused Runaways Atty Gen Malpractice and Billion Dollar Class Action Peoples Grand Juries Safe Haven For Court Ordered DHS Abused and Please see Free Class Action Sign Up Form DHS Family Court Slaughtered Shop As Group Whistleblower Law Firms


Please See prior evidence submitted as due diligence respectful emergency requests for intervention audits and protection of public safety in corruption poisoned jurisdictions:  12/19/2010 11:00 AM Election 2012 Federal Crime Victims Plead Public Safety Intervention Shop Class Action Law Firms; 12/12/2010 11:00 AM Autumn Joy August CPS Court Malpractice Kidnap Injuries To Freddie Mac NBC Wednesday Child Moguls; 12/9/2010 11:00 AM Plead Eric Holder Intervention: PaED Judge Helps Class Action Lawyers Strong Arm DHS Slaughtered; 12/6/2010 9:00 AM Prayerathon Calls Spiritual Leaders Counter Demonic Nature Court Ordered Child Abuse Economy Fraud; 12/5/2010 11:00 AM Illegal Adoption Court Denied Protection From Abuse CPS Agency Kidnap Victims Audio Testimony;  11/28/2010 11:00 AM Federal Crime Victims Enlist Organized Crime Science Fraud Expert Refute Court DHS Malpractice; 11/21/2010 11:00 AM Evidence Court DHS Malpractice Domestic Violence Kidnap Sent President Oprah John Walsh Producers; 11/14/2010 11:00 AM Americans AZ CA MI MO NJ NY OK PA TN WA WI Collaborate How To Better Organize CPS Reform in U.S.; 11/7/2010 11:00 AM Campaign 2012 Examine Kevin Dougherty Seth Williams Michael Nutter DHS Conflicts of Interest   10/31/2010 11:00 AM Obama Domestic Violence Foster Events Give DHS Court Destroyed Families Evidence Submission Opps  10/24/2010 5:00 PM Free Form America's Corruption Victims Galvanize Voter Clout Nationwide Supreme Court Class Action ;  10/20/2010 11:30 AM Roxanne Grinage Explains Administrative Solution Galvanize Voter Clout American Corruption Victims ; 10/3/2010 11:00 AM President and First Lady Obama Pennsylvania Tom Corbett Dan Onorato Shown Federal Crime Victim Voter ; 9/24/2010 11:00 AM Federal Crime Victim Voters Created by Pennsylvania DHS Court Malpractice Plead Obama Intervention ; 9/12/2010 11:00 AM Grandmother Helene Ross Reports 6th Judge Robert J Matthews DHS Deliberate Child Slaughter  9/5/2010 11:00 AM Courtroom 14 Killing Floors Judge Robert J Matthews Public Mob Assault Child Abduction Dockets ; 8/22/2010 11:00 AM 318 AZ CA MI MO NY PA TX Families Seek Federal Indictments Post DHS Felonies To Public Docket ; 8/8/2010 11:00 AM Grinage v Fern Brown Caplan Esquire Honed Docket Tools Federal Indictments End Child Slaughter Fraud


1. Community Development Leader Umar Abdullah Johnson has given permission to play his talk of Psychologists Annual Career Day at CCP Audiobook #16 UMAR SPEAKS!! XXXL #1. “Wake Up, Your Children Are Dying!” Live at Freedom Theatre on MLK Day 2007 Vice Principal Certified Child Psychologist Orator Educator Umar Abdullah Johnson “a conversation about violence must include economy education employment” 7.50min “Wake Up, Your Children Are Dying!” Live at Freedom Theatre on MLK Day 2007 Vice Principal Certified Child Psychologist Orator Educator Umar Abdullah Johnson.wma


2. HireLyrics Administrative Services respectfully suggested U.S. Economy Education and Court Reform Administrative Solutions Tool, U.S. Citizens Controlled Public Docket Database is compiling a list of expert witnesses investigators researchers who we will pay as a group in announced 1 Billion class action 50 families and growing to discern criminal accountability for City of Philadelphia elected officials, DHS management and follows New York's November 10th lead names Pennsylvania Unified Judicial System.  See Free Class Action Sign Up Form DHS Family Court Slaughtered Shop As Group Whistleblower Law Firms See Billion Dollar Class Action Peoples Grand Juries Safe Haven For Court Ordered DHS Abused


3. We are compiling CVs services and fee schedules and links to qualified expert witnesses for due process rights to refute fraudulent IMMD Science Fraud Court and DHS ordered mental health evaluations. Please see James Roger Brown’s COMPENDIUM OF DOCUMENTATION OF ORGANIZED CRIME METHODS AND PROCEDURES INTEGRATED INTO STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES FOR THE PURPOSE OF POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC EXPLOITATION OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES THROUGH STATE AND FEDERAL CHILD PROTECTION, MENTAL HEALTH, AND SOCIAL WORK SYSTEMS. File size: 3.6 MB and other valuable information shared freely by James Roger Brown, Director, THE SOCIOLOGY CENTER,


4.  Plaintiffs in All Related Dockets U.S.D.C. PaED 209cv04119-MSG Roxanne Grinage, William Brounson, Lorraine Grinage, Ezekiel Zadkiel Brown, Arriyel Roxanne Brown v Fern Brown Caplan Esq; Timothy E. Possenti, Esq PC, Judge Robert J. Matthews, Anne Marie Ambrose, Erick L. Brown, Saundra Sullivan, Diane Kearney, Lenwood Kearney are going to sue City of Philadelphia Family Court, DHS, PACSES and Pennsylvania Unified Judicial System For Kidnap For Profit Personal  Injuries Disability Wrongful Death Theft of Heritage Vested Interest Career Theft Economic Treason Forced Commerce, Willful Prolonged Aggravated Assaults, Stalking with Malice, Terrorism, Coercion, Racketeering, Theft of Religious Freedoms IRS EIC Adoption Tax Credit Fraud Child Support Enforcement Fraud. One Billion Dollars ($1,000,000,000.00) Sign Up to Join Fifty Families and Growing Class Action Lawsuit Pending.  It’s free to register interest.  Download Free Sign Up Form at  The questions asked on this Free Class Action Sign Up Form can be used to prepare similarly situated class actions in other states known to be pending at this time in Washington, Michigan, Pennsylvania following New York’s November 10, 2010 lead Civil Rights Child Custody Class Action which named not only supreme justice but entire Unified Judicial System. Contact Roxanne Grinage, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia Pa 19136, 229-395-0039, See lawful filing: 070610 All Plaintiffs Related Dockets 209cv04119-MSG Recovery Act IRS OPR SSA Whistleblower Intervention Referrals 35 Working Class Student Impoverished DHS Lawyer Malpractice Victims Roxanne Grinage v Fern Brown Caplan, Esquire et al,


5.  PEOPLE’S PROTECTIVE CUSTODY GRAND JURIES SAFE HAVEN FOR DHS DEMONIC HORROR STORIES RUNAWAYS….formed to Indict corrupt elected officials revoking powers vested by “The People” authorize/manage above-ground protective custody for those children who runaway from DHS foster facility abuse and adults who flee excessive fraudulent or tyrannical child support arrest warrants and illegal attachments. THE PEOPLE’S PROTECTIVE CUSTODY GRAND JURIES WILL MAKE PRESS RELEASE PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS confirming which DHS Demonic Horror Stories Escapees are in The People’s Protective Custody declaring Municipality D.A. and Mayor unfit for protecting public safety committed to working with Eric Holder John Walsh and President’s officers only (citizens public docket confirms Pa Eastern District Courts and USDOA corruption poisoned) in disclosing whereabouts of young adults adolescents and any child or adult who escape the beatings rape and forced psychotropic chemical torture of Family Court with DHS Ordered Abuse holding evidence and testimony as Federal Crime Witnesses.  The People’s Protective Custody Safe Haven Grand Juries will be made up of community members of all professions and all walks of life experience as citizens’ public post incident reports confirm no profession lifestyle or income class is exempt from veracious double triple fraudulent billing of Philadelphia Family Court Judges’ Conflict of Interest Relationships with Multimillion Dollar DHS contractor providers.  Victims are verified who work for other State and City Agencies PHA, Septa workers, truck drivers, Department of Streets, Educators, Legal Industry Professionals, Nurses, Physicians, Authors, Entrepreneurs, Designers, Architects, etc.  We will stand outside the DHS foster placement “homes” and facilities from where children have fled film and photograph people who like to beat rape and forcibly drug children, enlarge their pictures and aggressively publish and distribute to John Walsh America’s Most Wanted Video Story Tip line and film ourselves making concerned citizens demands in front of City Hall demanding Mayor and D.A. uphold their oaths to protect public safety, arrest criminals.  Peoples Grand Juries Safe Haven For Court Ordered Abused Escapees will guard our autonomy and ability to make fair decisions based on verified facts sustained independent of any faith based union contractor agency or organization affiliation. Peoples’ Grand Juries Safe Haven for DHS Abused Runaways are self supporting through our own contributions.  Please donate at  Mail money orders purchased at U.S. Post Office only to Roxanne Grinage, HireLyrics Administrative Services, PO Box 22225, Philadelphia, Pa 19136. Fundrazer  See President First Lady Obama Eric Holder Shown Evidence of Systematic Abuse of Congressional Act See Philadelphia community seeks Federal Investigation Judge Kevin M Dougherty DHS Contractors See Why Family Court Corruption Victims Show Evidence Protection Denials to USDOJ Eric Holder and President Obama 10/27/10 Domestic Violence Awareness Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett.


Three Federal Crime Victim Case Studies share State Attorney General Failure To Act on Evidence of State Court with DHS contractors billing agenda conflict of interest slaughtered victims in jurisdictions:


a.        Washington Cowlitz County: Judge James E. Warme, Jean Waller Esq, Karen Dinan, Esq assistant attorney general denied protection from abuse of terror threats intimidation harassment by CASA workers  and DHS employees.  Victim Testimony:  Mary N August Washington Cowlitz County Superior Court DHS CASA CPS inflicted Kidnap Injuries upon Autumn Joy August beginning 9/6/2010).  8.50min 122610 Mary August Testimony Cowlitz County Washington CPS DHS Asst Atty Gen Karen Dinan Jean Waller Esq Judge James E Warme Kidnap Injuries Autumn Joy August 09061.wma


b.       Pennsylvania Eastern District: USDOA Zane David Memeger with USDC Judges Mitchell S. Goldberg and Burle M. Schiller (victims are all plaintiffs in all related dockets USDC PaED 209-cv-04119-MSG 209cv05448-BMS 210cv00179-MSG); Michigan Victim Special Guest Adrienne Tynes Office of Attorney General complicit accessory to Judge Virgil Smith retaliation social services state court and DHS denials protection from abuse aid and abet Physician Rapist Dr. Donald Tynes 6 children raped 2 killed forced medical experimentation torture. 31min Plaintiffs Lorraine Grinage Ezekiel Brown Arriyel Brown All Related Dockets 209cv04119MSG Malpractice Criminal Accountability Fern Brown Caplan Judge Robert Matthews Zane Dave Memeger EricK Lee Brown Saundra Sullivan Kearney.wma


c.        Michigan: Adrienne Tynes, Michigan Attorney General condoned State Court Judge Virgil Smith Protects Pedophile Child Rapist Dr. Donald Tynes 6 children raped tortured medical experiments 2 children killed lawyer threatened. 8.35min Adrienne Tynes Testimony Michigan Attorney General Non-Responsive Evidence Judge Virgil Smith Denials Protection From Abuse Dr Donald Tynes Rape 6 Children Kill 2.wma


31min Plaintiffs Lorraine Grinage Ezekiel Brown Arriyel Brown All Related Dockets 209cv04119MSG Malpractice Criminal Accountability Fern Brown Caplan Judge Robert Matthews Zane Dave Memeger EricK Lee Brown Saundra Sullivan Kearney.wma Includes 12/18/09 Judge Robert J. Matthews Circus Court telephones Erick Brown on Speaker Phone Jokes Laughs tells Mother Shut Up Asks Erick Brown How do you want me to handle this, 12/13/09 18 page email by and between Lorraine Grinage and Roxanne Grinage Anne Marie Ambrose USDC Judge Robert J Matthews USDOJ Saundra Sullivan beating children bragging about beating children Abbott and Costello Whose On First What’s On Second DHS Hotline Call Anne Marie Ambrose Lies about IMMD investigation, Ezekiel and Arriyel heard being beat, Erick Brown recorded threatening to kill children before he lets Lorraine see them while Erick is observed by community on a  6 day drunken binge, Roxanne’s 11/08/10 hand delivered evidence disc to PaED USDOA Zane David Memeger Proofs of cumulative 47 felonies crimes of Judge Robert J Matthews Fern Brown Caplan Timothy E. Possenti Marvin L Williams, Esquire CPA PACSES, including lying to USDOJ US Marshals Prolonged Child Abuse Extortion Bribes Theft Fraud delivered on disc with active links, Roxanne’s week later follow up call reminding office of Zane David Memeger that District Attorney R. Seth Williams failed to overcome nepotism corruption in Private Criminal Complaint division and arrest Federal and Municipal Mob Assault fugitives Erick Brown and Saundra Sullivan but that Google Satellite Street View on October 29, 2010 found 06/08/10 Erick Brown and Saundra Sullivan abducted by public mob assault Ezekiel and Arriyel Brown on the porch of Saundra Sullivan’s parents and Mob Assault Participants and DHS foster contractor Diane and Lenwood Kearney, a city dollar gift house on same block as Andrew Sullivan 4824 N 10th Street, Philadelphia Pa 19144, Laquita Sullivan’s car parked on 10th Street and new truck and vehicle seen parked in front of 4835 N 10th Street after May 25, 2010 Proofs of Insurance Fraud made to 2nd District Philadelphia Police and filed with Marvin L. Williams, Esquire, CPA PACES in June 14, 2010 and into federal docket Lorraine Grinage v Saundra O. Sullivan Erick Brown 12/13/09 aggravated assaults on minors while in the commission of bigamy perjury SSI Fraud 209cv00179-MSG 4835 N. 10th Philadelphia, Pa, 19144 Respectfully asking the Federal Fugitive Task Force be fairly deployed to Rescue Ezekiel and Arriyel.  


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Michigan DHS Case Worker Retaliation:  Deborah Young and Bryan Jones work for safe return of Bryan Jones daughter beat and tortured in DHS Foster Facility ran into the street twenty degree weather in flip flop sneakers light wind breaker missing all night, called her family and told the Foster Care “mother” was choking her in an attempt to keep her from telling the truth about the abuses, beatings, torture, medical error injuries, illegal abortion, broken bones inflicted by DHS case workers in retaliation for Veronica Spencer and Bryan Jones pursuing federal class action claims against Department of Human Services for the illegal transport of their children confirmed by Federal Judge Jan E. Dubois to have been illegally removed by DHS.  Deborah Young reports on the $30 Billion Recovery Act Funding Received for which Philadelphia OIG says “a red flag went up when instructions were given to spend quickly” and the inherent fraud and subsequent child abuse injuries that will occur as a result of $30 Billion Dollars Recovery Act funding coming to a gangland styled corruption poisoned City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Eastern District.  Deborah Young details Judge Margaret T. Murphy’s obstruction of justice, protection from abuse by destroying transcripts; Amy Kurland Philadelphia Office of Inspector General for reporting abuse. This sound file includes Chantella Tucker’s and Debbie William’s testimony of extreme Orchards Services Case Workers neglect and retaliation, Chantella Tucker’s two year old baby forced into day care unnecessarily by falsification of medical records false claims of drugs in system and slander child abuse registry fraud on grandmother. Debbie Williams details the names of case workers individually and criminally accountable for Chantella Tucker’s children being forcibly reunified with known sex offender father Geneal Roberson who has unlimited access to the children over Kinship contractor cousin’s house.  Lorraine Grinage calls in with information about possibly ethical qualified attorneys who might not be afraid to stand up to Tyrant Child Slaughter Judge Robert J. Matthews considering new petition for emergency relief but Roxanne Grinage doesn’t hold much hope in any fair adjudication as long as Judge Kevin M. Dougherty remains as Judge Kevin M. Dougherty’s June 8th2010 Order Rule To Show caused lawfully served resulted in 45 minutes later retaliatory home invasion public mob assault children abducted which neither Judge Kevin M. Dougherty, District Attorney R. Seth Williams, Anne Marie Ambrose has acted lawfully to enforce Philadelphia Family Court Orders.  More than fifty Philadelphia families know there is no public safety for law abiding citizens here.


18.40min Bryan Jones Chantella Tucker Deborah Young Debbie Tucker Williams Philadelphia and Michigan DHS Contractor Retaliation Fraud Incentive in $30 Billion Recovery Act Funds.wma and Lorraine Grinage 12/26/10 HireLyrics Is Born To Serve on Blog Talk Radio

Michigan: Debbie Williams Chantella Tucker prepare Federal Lawsuit Michigan CPS Child Registry Fraud, False Statements, Willful Reckless Child Endangerment allows sex offender father visits due process denied to mother two year old child with pneumonia sent to Orchard Services DHS contractor; falsified medical records and child care child abuse registry fraud used to block grandmother from taking baby.


First time presentation of Philadelphia corruption victim Darlene Cortez whose fertilized eggs (zygotes) were harvested against her will.  Roxanne Grinage telephone conversation litigation referral assessment clarifies administrative challenges: damages for 3 business destroyed; how to verify merits of a case for stolen children by unauthorized surrogates; assess physician accountability and even if we can prove custodial rights, would winning custody through Court processes inflict the trauma separation injuries we are suing for as a class of victims who have had birthed by us children stolen from our bonded families?


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