September 26, 2010
09/24/2010 Open Letter is transmitted Via Video Statement, Internet Posting, Print, Television, Talk Radio Media Distribution; all formats compiled at
President of the United States Barack Obama | First Lady Michelle Obama in her esteemed capacity for caring about quality of life for the American Family and in her 9/21/10 announced capacity for lobbying the interests of Democratic Party Candidates. Via form. |
Pennsylvania Gubernatorial Candidate | Pennsylvania Gubernatorial Candidate |
Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter Philadelphia District Attorney R Seth Williams COURTESY COPIES FOR ESTEEMED LAWMAKERS AND PROSECUTORS WE PRAY WILL INTERVENE AND AUDIT. CC: MR. ERIC HOLDER Federal Bureau of Investigation CRIME VICTIMS CREATED BY CORRUPTION IN GOVERNMENT VICTIMIZATIONS ARE ALSO A VOTER CONSTITUENCY ENCOURAGED TO CALL, EMAIL OR FAX YOUR SUPPORT OF THE PASSING OF July 26, 2010 via Press Conference from Independence Mall announced Bipartisan Pennsylvania Public Integrity Commission Honorable Curt Schroder (Republican) Honorable Eugene DePasquale (Democrat) Honorable John T. Yudichak (Democrat) Honorable Mike Vereb (Republican) | Courtesy and Information Copies Via Email "Supreme Court Rules Evidence Committee" USDOJ Michael Levy (Pa Eastern District) Philadelphia Individual Accountability regarding epidemic Child Abuse Registry Fraud complaints resulted in reissuance to Pennsylvania DPW Child Abuse Registry Officials as follows: Child Abuse Registry Director Harriet Dichter returned Out of Office auto reply instructing "As of September 16th, please contact me at my new job: Harriet Dichter/First Five Years Fund,Suite 800, 101 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington DC 20001, Follow up regarding the Department of Public Welfare should be directed to Michele Messinger, at or the Acting Secretary, Michael Nardone." Court of Judicial Discipline Harrisburg Pennsylvania FBI Philadelphia Complaints Chief Counsel for Philadelphia City Council President Judge Marsha Neifield Anne Marie Ambrose, Commissioner Pennsylvania State Court F.J.D.C. CCP Candidates Campaign Managers as requested. Collaborations and Lobbyists as requested. Elected Officials and Legislators as requested. Reporters, Journalists, Show Hosts as requested. Voters and Community as requested. |
Gratefully shared:
Complete Text of 09/24/2010 Open Letter is published at
322 Families Show Pennsylvania Candidate Dan Onorato Tom Corbett DHS Malpractice Crime Victim Voters
Video Statement Open Letter and a few crime victim families' names read during 9/24/2010 peaceful demonstration Philadelphia Family Courthouse 1801 Vine Street, Philadelphia Pa. Full length video statement 36 minutes uploaded to CNN iReport.
Candidates Dan Onorato Tom Corbett Learn Names Crime Victim Voters Created by DHS Court Malpractice
The last 10 minutes of 36 minutes open letter read during 09/24/10 peaceful demonstration Philadelphia Family Courthouse 1801 Vine Street, Philadelphia Pa, calls names of a few crime victim families created by DHS with Family Court Malpractice and includes 42nd family in Pennsylvania and the 322nd family nationwide, (Anna Banks Ahanna Scott two DHS social worker with child advocate corruption kidnapped grandchildren/two nephews and a Lebanon County Pennsylvania corruption victim, Pamela Kilmer forced to stay in Puerto Rico), and 322 families nationwide including (Michigan, Missouri Texas, California, Arizona, State of Washington, New Jersey, New York, Delaware etc.) documented by Roxanne Grinage's prototype demonstration of an administrative solutions tool, standard access to public incident report; U.S. Citizens Controlled Public Docket Database is uploaded to
42nd Philadelphia DHS Slaughtered Family is 6th Alice Beck Dubow Courtroom H Malpractice
42nd Pennsylvania Federal Crime Victim family created by financially incented corrupt relationships by and between stage agency DHS social worker employees with child advocates facilitated systematically by state court domestic relationships judge. Five (5) minute video uploaded to
Open Letter read satellite Talk Radio Broadcast before attending 09/24/10 peaceful demonstration at Philadelphia Family Courthouse 322 Families Entreat Pennsylvania Candidates Dan Onorato Tom Corbett Recognize DHS Malpractice HireLyrics |
This is an Open Letter respectfully transmitted on September 24, 2010 by Roxanne Grinage HireLyrics Administrative Services on behalf of 322 families nationwide; 42 working class student and impoverished Pennsylvania Families. Everything I do is to rescue Ezekiel Zadkiel Wright Leach Brown and Arriyel Roxanne Brown born to my daughter Lorraine Carlett Grinage on 09/22/2006 and 07/22/2008 and those CPS corruption in government destroyed children of all ages similarly situated. Strongest prayers for the rescue of children of all ages destroyed by CPS corruption in government.
September 24, 2010 Dear Respected President of the United States Barack Obama Dear Pennsylvania Gubernatorial Candidate Dan Onorato Dear Pennsylvania Gubernatorial Candidate Tom Corbett Dear Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter Dear Philadelphia District Attorney R Seth Williams CC: Mr. Eric Holder, United States Department of Justice There exists a voting constituency of working class student and impoverished families having specialized interests as crime victims created by official corruption fraud civil rights felonies inflicted. We have used free and low cost services of the internet to develop standard access to administrative solutions tools which gather evidence depositions and witness testimony; count victims, measure economy fraud and career theft costs; measure intent culpability or competency of official corruption assailants to responsibly verify document and whistleblow a nationwide Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform State of Emergency. Today, September 24, 2010, across the street from Philadelphia Family Courthouse, 1801 Vine Street, Philadelphia Pennsylvania we stand beneath the Angels Fountain having faith in Psalm 91 "for He shall give his angels a command concerning you to lift you up lest you cast your foot against any stone" representing 322 families nationwide and 42 Pennsylvania families who beseech our elected officials and those lobbying the interests of candidates to please recognize our quality of life impacting special interests as a voter constituency characterized by State Court Family Division with State Agency DHS with budget crisis compromised Municipality corruption. Complete Text of 09/24/2010 Open Letter is published at |
Please go to and use the donation button at the top of the home page to donate any amount which supports administrative tools development which can be used pro se by working class student and impoverished family victims of CPS DHS with Family Court corruption to slow a U.S. Citizens Public Docket Database verified Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform State of Emergency in our nation.
Roxanne Grinage is committed to evolving traditionally oppressive processes by utilizing the free and low cost internet technologies and the community development entrepreneurial spirit of the university student think tank communities to build administrative solutions that slow a documented Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform State of Emergency. Check out previous and upcoming scheduled HireLyrics is Born To Serve on Blog Talk Radio Shows and Blogs. Our trackers show The World Is Watching as Families are Slaughtered by Corruption in Government and we will not curtail censor our publicly posted verified due diligence to suit the censored subjective agendas of any court venue as what we are doing is actually demonstrating Court Reform through Docket Monitoring and Publicly Posting every verifiable incident for the sake of truth in public record into a U.S. Citizens Controlled Public Docket Database. The only people who profit from Child Slaughter U.S. Economy Fraud Court Reform State of Emergency Official Corruption Fraud Civil Rights crimes are the Corrupt Domestic Relations Judges with private commercial litigation attorneys acting as factory like facilitators to fast track the sale of our children to CPS Federally Funded State Agencies Department of Human Services contractors who run courtrooms as killing floors. All of us have sacred work here and all of us can benefit by each other's varying outlooks and demeanors. I have utmost respect for your style of fighting for better quality of life for American Families and am committed to strongest prayers for the rescue of children of all ages.
Much love and respect, Roxanne Grinage
Everything I do is to rescue Ezekiel Zadkiel Wright Leach Brown and Arriyel Roxanne Brown born to my daughter Lorraine Carlett Grinage on 09/22/2006 and 07/22/2008 and those CPS corruption in government destroyed children of all ages similarly situated
Roxanne Grinage (229) 395-0039
HireLyrics Administrative Services
U.S. Citizens Public Docket Database
PO Box 22225
Philadelphia PA 19136
HireLyrics is Born To Serve Talk Radio Show Sundays 11:00 A.M. EST: Call In No. (646) 200-4377
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